Monday 13 March 2023

The Art of Prayer, Part 15

   "There are many different languages in the world, and every language has meaning. But if I don't understand a language, I will be a foreigner to someone who speaks it, and the one who speaks it will be a foreigner to me. And the same is true for you. Since you are so eager to have the special abilities the Spirit gives, seek those that will strengthen the whole church." 1 Corinthians 14:10-12

  This is an excerpt from the letter Paul wrote to the Corinthians about speaking in tongues. Depending on where you are, there is a wide debate among various Christians about whether or not the gift of tongues is still a part of faith today. Some say this gift is a measure of how good a Christian you are, others say it was only for people in Jesus' time. I am going to remain neutral on this.
  I once watched a documentary where scientists connected electrodes to a nun who was willing to be a test subject. They wanted to test what was happening in her brain as she prayed in an unknown language. As she prayed, the sensors did their thing. The researchers were astounded to realize all the words she was forming did not come from the part of the brain where language is stored and created.  I forget which part became active but it doesn't really matter.
  There is so much we don't understand!
  The right side of our brain is where creativity resides. The left side is our logical, mathematical side therefore, artist's are all right brained. Sound familiar? 
  In no way am I a neuroscientist with any sort of expertise on the subject but let me share what I do know. Creating art uses far more of the brain than one side. It taps into the mathematical, measuring side where spatial recognition resides. Creating art uses the part where the body is run automatically. As adults, we don't think about what's needed to move a pencil across a piece of paper. Art uses the brain parts that govern vision and touch. Art taps into our memory banks like the one that holds the information about how to write. Art taps into emotions, too.
  They did an electrode experiment with a musician and every part of their brain was fired up and used to create art through sound.
  Scientists have also discovered how we are wired to worship and connect with God. He put that in our DNA when we were made at the beginning of creation.

  Praying through art is a whole brain exercise, too.
  Which means that even though one side of the brain may dominate how we think or approach life, it is possible to unite logic and creativity. Mathematical me thoroughly enjoys drawing mandalas. There is something comforting in laying out the circular grid with a compass, a protractor and a ruler. The grid fills me with the anticipation of seeing what different effects I can get by repeating a line around the whole circle. It's a very logical and calculated path to creating something beautiful. (There are often flaws in a hand drawn graph but, hey, it works. The circle graphs can be found online and printed if you want to give them a try. You can download completed ones to colour in, too.)

  It takes time to create one but doing them calms my busy mind and opens it up to hearing more from God. A while back, I shared my mandalas with someone and discovered there was actually a pattern. If I'd been away from the art for a while, there would be a series of three or four mandalas followed by a more prophetic (God focused) or personal exploration into an idea or thought or memory.
  Zentangles are another mathematical form of creative expression. I call it doodling with attitude as a page is filled with patterns and shapes. This art form can also still a busy mind (hence the name zen-tangles.) God is a God of pattern. They are everywhere. Zentangles celebrate them in their infinite variety. 
  If you want, check out fractal images. I've written about them before because they are so amazing! They are created using only mathematics and, oh, they are stunning! God is also a God of fractals. Simply put, one line becomes two becomes four becomes our circulatory system or the branches of a tree. Fractal mathematics enabled computer animators to create realistic mountains: the chaos of snow covered ridges and peaks are created by numbers.
  So no matter what type of brain God blessed you with, left dominated or right dominated, artistic expression is for everyone be it through geometry or a free flowing paint brush. Your brain can't wait to show you what it can do!
  For God's Glory! AMEN! 


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