Thursday 26 November 2020

A Tentative Re-start

It's been a rough day. Spending the day drafting a letter has made me realize how much I miss writing. I admit, signing into blogger and finding there are still people out there checking in is such a God given affirmation. My words live on even if I don't write. It's an honour, really.

  So, it's a Covid's still God's world and miracles still happen. Children are born. Dinners cooked. Laundry washed. Normalcy in the midst of insanity. When the bane of my mask filled existence is trying to open a plastic bag without licking a is ok. 
  I will give you snapshots of what's been happening since I last put fingers to the keyboard.
  I choked on my tea during an online staff supervisor was very quick to ask if this was a new cough...I found it rather amusing and so very sad at the same time.
  My yard was graced with a vegetable garden this summer. Covid boredom led to starting vegetable seeds inside. They needed a place to grow ergo, a flowerbed got revamped. It's nice to now have a pantry cupboard full of homemade relishes, pickles and jam. Haven't been inclined to do that for years.
  There have been multiple attempts at sewing the perfect mask. The local hospital issued a design early on in the pandemic, calling out to all sewers to fill a desperate need. So I did. 500 for them. 100 for my fellow staff at work. Since then, finding one that doesn't fog up my glasses has been like trying to find the fabled Atlantis. While Atlantis has remained illusive, the mask didn't. Success is a wonderful thing.
  I just finished a new winter quilt for my bed. That filled a couple of months.
  Attempted to work two more days per week for the last two months. The crash came Tuesday. It's left me reeling a bit and feeling discombobulated. Heartbroken, too. I had so wanted this and when the opportunity knocked twice, I thought it was a Divine one. 
  Hmmm...maybe it was at that. Maybe it was God reinforcing trust in Him that no matter my work situation, He will provide. Maybe He is showing me how to love myself more despite a disability. I guess giving up the two extra days is just that...if not loving, at least it's kind and an exercise in grace. Maybe sometime in the future I can give it another go. I'll leave that up to Him.
  What else?
  I am enjoying the house in all it's new finery. The kitchen is a pleasure to cook in so I am eating better. 
  Had to get a new kitchen table. Even though my desk conversion of the old one was successful, the table was simply too big for the space. I found a smaller, squarer antique one with a hidden leaf that pops up out of the middle of the table. In a pinch, and once Covid is over, I could entertain a half dozen people for dinner. Short of having family over for a barbecue, it's something I've never done.
  Why, when things are forbidden, do you want to do them?
  While I hesitate to make any promises, I hope to be back on a more regular basis. The blog helps my faith life stay on track. Yah, I confess, with church and home church going virtual, something is missing. I need to get it back. Or is that anew?

  "For those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty" Psalm 91:1

Boundary Study Part 2

   "Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy...