Thursday 13 June 2019

A Day of Reflection

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.” Mathew 7:7

  I took a moment to read many of the more recent posts because this last little while has contained so many new understandings about God and about love. It’s like taking a trip back in time but these past posts also revealed a testimony of the countless times God has answered my prayers. Most of the time, they were answered far and beyond my simple requests.
  While I don’t necessarily classify myself as a Bible scholar, one of the things I have come to realize is the Good Book could never have been written by people all on their own. Yes, I believed the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit of God but only because this is what I had been taught.
  The last shreds of doubt about its authenticity have been swept away as I’ve followed the different threads of an idea, or should I say, followed the revelations of the Spirit. Every word had to have been inspired by something far greater than our own minds. The Old and New Testaments are a tapestry of stories and teachings so interwoven with each other it would be impossible for any human being to be able to make all the connections as they wrote their own piece of this wonderful, amazing Story.
  All I can say is how delighted I am to have some of these connections revealed. I am even more delighted when my understanding is verified by other, more wise, more knowledgeable teachers. This is something I always look for. It is helping to build a foundation of trust in the Holy Spirit’s leading and, dare I say, more confidence to explore the Bible even further.
  There’s also another side, one that doesn’t end up in black and white. Every time I had written the word, “religion”, I had struggled with defining what that meant. Until the other day when I finally understood what Jesus meant in condemning religious practices. Our freedom to choose how and where we worship isn’t the issue here. It’s when the how and where we worship becomes the focus of our faith. The dark side of religious practices is when the how and where becomes a platform for prejudice and hatred.
  Lord, thank You for all the changes that have happened in the last little while. Thank You for helping me articulate many of the confusing mental muddles that accompany much of my writing. Thank You for answering my “asking” when I didn’t even know a question had been posed. Thank You for the gift of Your Spirit and for the trust that is becoming the solid foundation of my faith. Thank You as well for building confidence in my abilities and for wrapping that confidence in humility. You are the Author behind my words. AMEN!

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