Wednesday 27 March 2019

Where I Stand (At the foot of the Cross)

“I planted the seed in your hearts, Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

  Faith is a living thing. It takes nurturing, fertilizing, and seasons of rest for it to thrive. Sin is like the locust, or the blight that damages the vine. Yet, by a careful pruning away of the diseased parts, the plant will flourish above and beyond our wildest expectations.
  There is a profound relationship between the soil, the sun, and the rain. Not having enough or having too much of one has the ability to stifle a growing plant if not kill it outright.
  I believe the soil is the community of believers in my life who share my desire to come to know Him better through the inspired Word of God, the Bible. Without community, we have no roots.
  The sun is the Son of God who came to earth, lived, died and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of His Father. His light can chase away all the darkness, all the shadows, all the blight and locusts. His Light illuminates the better way: the way of love, grace, peace and forgiveness. He makes it possible for these things to exist within us.
  The rain is the Holy Spirit whose presence pours into our soul the moment we declare Jesus as Lord of our life. He is the third facet of God: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This is an attribute of God that is often hard to understand for those who question or for those who seek a greater meaning to life. It can be hard for followers of Jesus to understand, too!

  (Long Pause.)

   So...I am a human. I am also a woman, a mother, a grandmother, an employee, an artist, a musician. There are many different aspects of my identity and abilities that make up me. They are relational not separate. For me, that means I am a better musician because I can paint. I am a better artist because I can hear the song in what I see. I am thankful for these gifts.
  God chose to make us in His image for the purpose of relationship, an image whose very foundation is relational.
  He is Father, Brother, Bride-groom, Friend. He was a babe, a child, a man so an immortal God would know what it was to be mortal. He humbled Himself so He could meet me, us, where we stand.
  He loved us that much He was prepared to die. 

  There is nothing I need to do or nothing I could do that would ever earn His kind of love. It is a gift without limits whose only restriction is based on my own free will and the choices I make. But those are my restrictions, not God’s. They are my limitations, formed from an imperfect understanding of the profoundly simple, "God is Love". There are more limitations shaped by experiences and sin; sin being anything that keeps us apart from God. 
  These limitations are becoming less and less the deeper I delve into matters of faith or as Paul so clearly stated, "God makes the seed grow."
  Faith is a living thing. It takes nurturing, fertilizing and seasons of rest for it to thrive. Faith is the ultimate expression of free will. I have chosen to live my life according to my beliefs as best I can. The best simply gets better every day because God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are active participants in this life not merely bi-standers waiting to greet me when I die.

  Thank You, Jesus, for making this possible. AMEN!

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