Thursday 30 August 2018


  Rain swept through the area last night with welcomed relief from the sticky heat. Driving home from a dinner party with the windows down, the deliciously cool air swirling around the car was as refreshing as a dip in a pool!
  There's relief as well that my mom, having undergone major surgery yesterday, is recuperating well. She should be discharged on Friday so I will be heading down to her place on Saturday to stay for a few days. A strong pair of arms might come in handy.
  I confess I was worried. Very worried. Oh, she had passed all the pre-op examinations or the surgery wouldn't have happened, but still...any surgery has risk even for the young. Thank You, Lord, for answered prayers. Thank You that her recovery will be quick, that there will be no complications. Thank You that her pain will be minimal.
  I had a conversation with someone earlier this week about our emotions, about feelings like worry and jealousy among others. Jesus tells us we don't need to feel these things if we trust in Him and His Father's path for our lives and the lives of others.
  I have to confess I am not very good at it. The darker side of emotions regularly rear their heads in the course of a day. I believe it is more important how we handle these feelings rather than trying to squash them. Our feelings are a gift, a reflection of the One in whose image we are made.
  God is a jealous God. Jesus displayed anger as He overturned the money changers' tables in the temple. His fear was great as He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.
  Yesterday's worry is a prime example because I needed Jesus' strength to help me overcome my anxiety. And it was complicated. Worry is an all encompassing label for a stew of emotions. Within the worry was the terrible imaginings of loss. I was preparing myself for the worst. (Thank You again, Lord, the worst did not happen!)
  Here's the thing. By following Christ's example in the Garden, throughout the day I lifted these feelings and dark imaginings to the Lord by praying for my Mom. I grew to recognize that no matter what happened, I would not be going through it alone.
  "God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs." Mathew 5:3


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Boundary Study Part 2

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