Tuesday 28 August 2018

Grab Bag

  It is extremely hot today, in keeping with the rest of the summer. Last night some vicious thunderstorms rolled through the area with tornado watches all across central Ontario. A news crew filmed one forming just as the sun was going down. It touched down but only briefly. That's a good thing because they can be terribly devastating.
  None of the worst weather hit here but when I went outside after dark, the north-eastern sky was flickering and flashing as lightning did its sky dance. It was odd not hearing anything. Odd, but relieving. Thunderstorms aren't my favorite.
  I don't know why I've always been scared of them but I have. It's silly, really because there's four walls and a roof to protect me. The basement is always a safe go-to if needed.

  The furnace guys are here to finish up a few things: a missing elbow joint on the air intake, a new thermostat and the fun job of hauling the old furnace out. They've ended up having to take it out the front door so I moved a bunch of furniture around to make it easy. Most of the work was done yesterday. It's good to know I'm set for the winter.
  They have fired it up to make sure everything is as it should be. So much for closing the windows this morning to keep out the heat. Hopefully it won't need to run long.
  It's rather amusing, thinking about heating the house when the weather outside is over-heating the house but I know it will get cold soon enough.
  Ah, autumn, my favorite season. The crisp mornings with an icing sugar coating of frost. The blue sky that has a certain shade not found in any other season. The geese gathering on the lake. The sight of other northern breeding species passing through on their way south...but mostly, it's the colours.
  Fiery reds, golds, oranges, cinnamon browns...a feast for the eyes.

  It's all rather mundane but this is a wonderful opportunity to give thanks for being able to live in a country where the weather is anything but boring.

  "The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge." Psalm 19:1-2

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Boundary Study Part 2

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