Thursday 11 August 2016

Dream Catcher by Susan L.

  My mention of a dream catcher created quite the response by one of my readers. It's given me pause for thought about whether or not it's something that has a place in the house. I admit not thinking about its designated purpose of warding off evil spirits or bad dreams. It was more of a camp craft than anything although when they were purchased, there were some misgivings. God forgive me for ignoring that voice.
  The feather quest began years ago, starting when I was a new Christian. When things were really bad and I had the energy to go for a walk, there would often be an unusual feather or pebble along the trail. God didn't give me diamonds to show how much He loved me, He left these natural treasures as love tokens. They were tangible, understandable, and greatly appreciated. Finding one often moved me to tears of gratitude that there was finally Someone, Jesus, in my life who would never leave me nor forsake me.
  The dream catcher has been lying on a table. I've been eyeballing it like a three dollar bill, reluctant to do anything with it. To be honest, my idea to decorate it with God's gifts doesn't sit right with me. It never did. I just ignored the misgivings. It's not because of any sort of religious propriety, or rule keeping, or even fear. The two simply don't belong together. My heart knows it. My soul knows it. My spirit knows it.
  By merely amassing feathers for a project, I've taken God's gifts and made them into my own mundane, artsy-craftsy objective. Forgive me for that, too, my Lord.
  Thank you, anonymous, for stating so clearly what I knew in my heart and for helping me find the way.
  "While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word. And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also." Acts 10:44-45


  1. Wow - when your spirit aligns with the Holy Spirit you are indeed teachable Susan. Bless you. It often is the subtle things, even things of whimsy and beauty, can be used to deceive by the enemy. I too collect stones and shells. Love feathers, but usually don't touch them as I think of them as diseased (probably silly). I feel a collection on display, or a glass vase full - lots of great creative ideas are fine (as long as they are not objects of worship). It is the background and current use of the objects - like logs for totem poles - that worries me. We often invite evil into our homes and lives unaware. I pray the Holy Spirit will continue will continue to work in your life and bless your sensitive spirit! We are to discern the spirits Susan. You are certainly on the right track.

  2. Wow - when your spirit aligns with the Holy Spirit you are indeed teachable Susan. Bless you. It often is the subtle things, even things of whimsy and beauty, can be used to deceive by the enemy. I too collect stones and shells. Love feathers, but usually don't touch them as I think of them as diseased (probably silly). I feel a collection on display, or a glass vase full - lots of great creative ideas are fine (as long as they are not objects of worship). It is the background and current use of the objects - like logs for totem poles - that worries me. We often invite evil into our homes and lives unaware. I pray the Holy Spirit will continue will continue to work in your life and bless your sensitive spirit! We are to discern the spirits Susan. You are certainly on the right track.

  3. Whoops - how that went twice I have no idea. Sorry Susan.

    1. Twice is good!! Thank you for the double blessing. They were words of power for sure!! See today's post for the outcome.


Boundary Study Part 5

   "The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race; He looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God." Psalm...