Monday 24 September 2018


  A barrage of the business end of things has come my way. It doesn't take much to leave me feeling overwhelmed so I need to take it one step at a time; to break it down into manageable pieces. Bear with me because this is the best place to lift all of it to the Lord.
  The first is easy. I found the bill for the new furnace and the monthly oil bill rates tucked into a magazine. It had me wondering why there had been no bill from them so that's the first priority. The cheques will get dropped off to them later today. It does leave me smiling: small town, old fashioned payment methods.
  Lord, I trust that the means to fulfill this monthly obligation will always be there.
  It's house insurance renewal time, too. There's been a fair bit of back and forthing with the company because of the flood earlier this year. I had called them at the time (just in case) but ended up cancelling any claim for repairs. The small losses simply weren't enough to justify going through insurance. (Praise God!) 
  Here's the frustrating part. Even though a claim was never filed, for some reason they think the flood came via the sewer so there has been a whole song and dance to prove that it hadn't: photos of the clean basement, forms to fill out, etc. Here's even more frustration: I am not on a sewer system but a private septic system. The flood was a result of overland water. No sewage entered the basement.
  Had a claim been filed, my insurance rate would have cost a couple hundred more per year!
  I wrote my insurance broker a clear letter to that effect this morning so hopefully they will get it.
  Lord, I lift my frustration to You. Even though I've shared what happened several times with the company, it feels as though I am not being heard. Let them hear me now.
  And there's other things. Straw mostly but straw can be an itchy thing. Irritating.
  Lord, the everyday stuff of life regularly overwhelms me. Teach me to learn to take it one step at a time. Teach me to turn to You for help a whole lot faster because I know, in You, is peace, patience and grace. All these things I ask in Jesus' name. AMEN!

  "Jesus replied, "The Kingdom of God can't be detected by visible signs. You won't be able to say, "Here it is!" or "It's over there!" For the Kingdom of God is already among you."" Luke 17:20

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