Thursday 20 September 2018


  In a couple of weeks, an annual event sweeps the globe. It's called Inktober. Throughout the month, people are challenged to do a pen and ink drawing a day then post the day's achievement on social media. There is a prompt list for inspiration but it isn't mandatory to follow. It can be found by searching "Inktober". There are plenty of images from previous years under the same heading should you need inspiration. There is amazing talent out there!
  This isn't just for artists. Doodlers are welcome to share their beside the phone creations, too!
  My thinking on this is to utilize the list in a couple of ways. The drawing, of course, but I thought it might be a good idea to explore the prompts from a Christian perspective. This would do a couple of things. One, encourage creativity but also help me blog on a more regular basis than I have for the last little while.
  I need this. It keeps me on track. It gives me my daily dose of faith embodied in God's Word that wraps the day in a blanket of grace and joy. In this busy ole world, those things are easy to misplace.

  Yesterday was spent mowing the shaggy, overgrown lawn and cutting back most of the gone-to-seed Black Eyed Susans. They lasted a long time this year but their demise is a sure sign that fall is around the corner. There are still some waiting for the shears in the back yard. Work for another day.
  In the process, three of these lovely wood frogs living throughout the yard caused me to pause in my labours. This little one got stalked until I could get a clear picture of it. It amazes me how much colour variation there is between them. One was a pale caramel, the other like a butterscotch and this one a darker brown.
  That's part of finding joy in the day, appreciating the little things God created in all their wonder.

  "O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all, the earth is full of your creatures." Psalm 104:24

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Boundary Study Part 2

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