Wednesday 10 August 2016

Hup, Two, Three, Four by Susan L.

  The thought last night was a walk would be a good chance to have some prayer time. Instead, I found myself marching steadily along and softly whistling marching music. Some of the songs were old melodies from the war. Others were made up fragments that wove around the crunching beat of my feet. The sound of trumpets, woodwinds and booming drums filled my head.
  I almost wished I still had my piccolo to play while tromping through the various ecosystems of the park. I owned one years ago but found practicing it hurt my ears. Whistling will have to do. I doubt there's lung capacity to play and hike anyways.
  These walks have also turned into a feather quest. While camping, I made a dream catcher. It was a kit that came with some sorry looking chicken feathers. It felt like a good idea to replace them with feathers from birds more associated with the great outdoors. So far there's several Blue Jay feathers, a brown spotted one and one that has a yellow shaft and a hint of yellow along the edges. Those two are courtesy of mystery birds. There's a plethora of Canada goose feathers that can stay where they are.
  The walks are going well. My strength and stamina are rapidly improving. Enough so that an extra section has been added to the trails I normally follow. This passes through a pine plantation to a small creek that feeds the lake. A great blue heron got his dinner interrupted last night. I'd love one of those feathers!
  As part of what is needed for the trip down east, I bought a watch. Wasn't that a tough choice! I wanted one with an alarm because a ticking travel clock drives me clear round the bend! It ended up being a man's digital that also has a stopwatch and is waterproof. The band (ladies watches were too small) is made from soft strapping so it doesn't chafe. Ideal for hiking.
  So last night's trek was timed. The fifty-two minutes were duly recorded on my calendar. It made me smile. It seems I have a goal. Yup. Seven K by September.
  "But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life." Rom 6:22


  1. Basically, using a dream catcher in its intended purpose is nothing more than a form of practicing occultism. How can an inanimate object “catch” evil spirits, much less bad dreams? And why attempt to “catch” evil spirits or nightmares when you cannot fight them physically?
    Although Native people can sometimes see into the spiritual world of darkness, dream catchers, or anything having to do with the occult, merely attract evil spirits and demonic activity and provide no means of protection from them. Using dream catchers is an open invitation for more spiritual works of darkness.
    If you are a born-again Christian, you have a Protector—God Almighty—Who stands between us and the evil realm. We need nothing more than Jesus Christ Himself who overcame all works and powers of darkness by His death and resurrection. If we pay attention to God’s Word and not to seducing spirits, we can walk in His freedom from fear.
    Ephesians 6:12 says that our battle is not against “flesh and blood,” but is against “principalities,” “powers,” “the rulers of the darkness” and “spiritual wickedness in high places.” And in Hebrews, we read:
    Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. (Hebrews 2:14–15)

    Please reconsider this object in your house.

    1. You have spoken what I already knew in my heart. See today's post. Much thanks!!!


In a Name

   "O Lord, I have come to you for protection; don't let me be disgraced. Save me, for You do what is right." Psalm 31:1   The...