Wednesday 8 July 2015

Fires by Susan L.

  My thoughts and prayers go out to the brave souls who are trying to get control of the numerous, huge wildfires in Saskatchewan. It seems as soon as they get one under control, another two break out. There's so many, well over a hundred fires, it is making the sky hazy here in Ontario. Saskatchewan is a long way away. It's a bit hard to wrap your head around.
  It's a big province. It takes time to get the people to the fires' locations. I doubt there are roads. Most of them would have to be flown in via helicopter. It means the flames have the time to grab a bigger hold on the tinder dry forests before crews can get to them.
  Rain is desperately needed to help the firefighters and volunteers who are all working hard to save hundreds of homes looking to be swallowed by flames. Alberta, Ontario, Newfoundland and the US have sent firefighting crews to help. Individual volunteers are pouring in from all over.
  The Canadian military has provided a thousand (or more) servicemen and women. They are getting a crash course on firefighting: a mere day's training before being sent out. Their role isn't to tackle the big firestorms but to assist in making sure all hotspots, the smouldering ruins, are out. It's an important job. A hotspot could relight a defeated fire.
  It's hot, hard and dangerous work. Heat induced swirling winds can cause the flames to change direction in a heartbeat. There's been one fatality, a firefighter paid the ultimate price. Lord, be with the family to comfort them I pray. May there be no more lives lost.
  They've brought in the air artillery to help. Helicopters with big buckets and water bombers drop thousands of litres of water in precise locations to help those on the ground. I pray their flights are successful.
  Lord, be with the people of Saskatchewan. Keep their homes safe. Watch over the animals, domestic and wild that they may escape the flames. Most of all, watch over those who tackle the raging flames. May victory come quickly. In Jesus' name I pray.
  "And our hope for you is steadfast, because we know that as you are partakers of the sufferings, so also will you partake of the consolation." 2 Cor 1:7

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