Wednesday 10 July 2024


  "Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy, May your kingdom come soon." Matthew 6:9

  My heart is very heavy this dark and rainy Wednesday. It feels as though the sky is crying my tears.
  It is burdened by the hatred that exists in this world. It is burdened by the hurt we do to one another in the name of race or religion or gender. It is weighed down by the greed, the grasping, demanding perversion of need, that supersedes generosity and compassion and caring.
  It is tired of the lies, the half truths, used to foster even more hatred.
  Forgive us, Lord, for how we teach our children. 
  Help us forgive those who taught us to hate or to be afraid of someone else because of their race, their religion or their gender.
  Teach us, Oh Lord, the way of love.
  In Your Name I pray. AMEN.

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In a Name

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