Tuesday 30 July 2024


   "So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Sprit control your mind leads to life and peace." Romans 8:6

  God is good. Always. 
  I was blessed to be away for a bit. It was a much needed break but a week away in summer means the gardens had a chance to get ahead of me. The harvest has been early and plentiful. For that I am most grateful. Few things taste better than a ripe tomato warmed by the sun!

  During my time away, there were many open and candid conversations with my friend and the people we were staying with. At some point I made the following comment, "Values shape beliefs. Beliefs shape our values." My head nearly exploded as the ramifications of this idea lit the gray matter up in a display that would put fireworks to shame.
  I've been mulling it over ever since; this circle within circle interconnectedness of identity, culture, familial and generational traditions, experiences, and finally gender. These influences on our understanding of our place in the world are very complex but they can also be conflicting. This morning I need to add truth to the mix because truth is influenced by our beliefs and values.
  God is good. He blessed us with His Spirit for times such as these because human truth is not always right or even remotely true! So how on earth do we discover what is true? How can we measure the validity of the truths we are taught?

  Yesterday came with yet another fireworks explosion. The way to truth is to find the love. If what we value or believe is absent of love, chances are it is a lie.
  Simple, yes?
  However, as a human being, I know my own understanding of love is broken. So how on earth am I ever going to unravel that which needs unravelling?

  Baby steps. 

  For example, if I believe a woman is worth less than a man, it means I don't value women the same way as men. Since I don't value women the same as men, it means I believe they are less than. See? Circles within circles!
  When I look at this idea through a lens of simple kindness, one of the many facets of love, it is not even remotely kind so therefore it is not true. 
  I can hear my culture, upbringing and experiences rebelling against the idea that women are as valuable as men.
  The inaudible voices can be very loud at times. And I say inaudible because no one ever told me directly that women are worth less than men but I learned this lesson well all the same.
  This is the hard part: letting the inaudible speak regardless of what it has to say. It can be ugly and hate filled and angry. But, as long as the inaudible remains in the shadows, Love's truth is unable to give it the peace it is really crying out for. Shutting it out doesn't provide space for forgiveness or repentance
  Forgiveness and repentance are acts of love and kindness.

  If I choose to allow the Spirit to grow my understanding of pure love, the Jesus love and way, it means I am willing to replace the rotten cornerstones which have been the foundation of my values and beliefs. Because you know one of the things I value the most?
  Truth, as seen through the eyes of Jesus. 

  PS. "But, as long as the inaudible remains in the shadows, Love's truth is unable to give it the peace it is really crying out for." 
  This sentence was added in during one of the edits. Immediately after writing it, I felt a shift in the fabric of my being and understanding.
  The inaudible is not my enemy
  The voice belongs to Cricket, crying out to be heard and set free of the toxic values and beliefs that were heaped on her tiny head and heart. It's all she's ever wanted.
  You know something, Cricket? It's all I want, too, for both of us.
  Lord Jesus, hear our prayer. AMEN!



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