Thursday 11 July 2024


   "Because of God's tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace."    Luke 1:78-79

  I met with our new pastor this morning. Even though she has been a member of our church for a few years, she is taking the time to get together with everyone on an individual basis. She wishes to strengthen her knowledge to be more able to encourage, develop and utilize the unique giftings everyone has been blessed with.
  Her initial idea was to ask me to become the Compassion Coordinator specifically charged with addressing the needs of the community at large. It involved being a contact for our local community partner, CONTACT, which is an organization that supports basic needs amongst other things. Funds are raised with the help of sales generated at a second hand store. There were a couple of other areas involved as well like setting up a booth during a huge community fundraiser walk to meet people and offer support to the walkers. (I must have looked a bit like a deer in the headlights!)
  After some conversation, she quickly acknowledged that it is far more than I am comfortable with or even able to take on. That's why it was ideal for her to meet me on a more personal basis, to see if the shoe would fit so to speak. 
  Then she asked me to dream. Not all conversations can be comfortable. I shared that this wasn't something I ever did. It piqued her curiosity so I explained that trauma makes it very hard to envision the future. Not that there isn't any hope for it, I am a gardener after all who plants seeds and anticipates a harvest.
  She reframed her question. Our parent church, The Meeting House, was forced to close its doors because they were unable to get the required insurance specifically related to abuse or misconduct by its members. No one is surprised by this in light of what has happened there. While I am deeply saddened by yet another loss in a long series of losses, I know God is bigger than all of it.
  As a Meeting House site who has had the privilege of being both an independent entity and part of the larger one, we are now in a position to find a future, a brand and a purpose for ourselves. All this while remaining under the Anabaptist umbrella and staying focused on a Jesus centered life. That does not change. 
  This is what she wanted to know. What type of church would I like to see? What would it take for me to be able to invite someone who is homeless to a Sunday service? What prevents this from happening?

  I've shared at some point how it feels as though I stand with my feet in two different worlds. The one I work in which is surrounded by homelessness, poverty, hunger and suffering. Often, there are addictions and broken minds which contribute to the vicious cycle of need. This is not always the case. A job loss, a divorce, an accident are sometimes all it takes to end up living life out of a grocery bag.
  The other half of my life is home, a car, running water, a yard, a garden and a Sunday service where I am surrounded by people whose lives are equally blessed.

  "What type of church do you think Jesus would like us to become?" was her next question.
  The very first thing that came out of my mouth was I would like to be part of a church who is not afraid of the unknown.
  The second was the need for a willingness to be vulnerable.
  It has given me much to think about, pray about, so that I understand what this means.

  My pastor is enthusiastic about the values of peer support. I've often wished that more people understood what it is because peer support enables me to put the teachings of Jesus into concrete practice. Most of the time anyways. Sometimes it's not so easy. 
  The ole gray matter is going a gazillion miles an hour so Lord, I will continue to seek Your vision for this little church in a little town in the middle of Ontario. Help me be faithful in sharing it. AMEN!


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