Monday, 19 October 2015

Election Day by Susan L.

  And I thought deciding what to have for dinner was difficult!
  The Federal Conservative ad campaign consisted almost entirely of smear ads against the Liberal party. Because they are in power I guess they are relying on that fact to keep them there. Not that their track record is great. They've been adept at quiet cut backs which hurt those most in need. Hospitals, disability benefits, the elderly and other social programs have all suffered under their regime.
  The New Democratic party, the far left, is a no go for me. While they enthusiastically support social programs, taxing the rich to give to the poor, I am not sure they'd be great for the Canadian economy. Many years ago, Ontario rebelled against the Liberal and Conservative provincial parties and put an NDP premier in place. The economy suffered greatly, taxes soared, as did inflation.
  Even voting Liberal is an iffy proposition. They, too, have a record of tax and spend.
  There are a couple of smaller parties in the running. The Green party, proponents of the environment, may have a good grasp on those issues but I am not sure how able they are to run the rest of the country. The Christian party is running on a platform of Christian fundamentals. As much as I'd like to see some of their ideas put through, they are simply too small to make that happen.
  So it's back to the big three: Liberal, Conservative, and NDP.
  Judging from the polls, it is going to end up being a minority government, where two opposing parties combined are bigger than the one in power. Which means four years of nothing much changed or accomplished.
  Lord, thank You that I can speak freely about all this without fear of retribution. Thank You that we have the right to vote and that those votes are what make the decisions. Thank You that there are options.
  I pray for the party who wins the election; that sound minds, sound business practices, ethics, and honor be part of their mandate. I pray everything they undertake will help this great country thrive.
  Guide me, Lord, as I cast my vote today.
  "Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, that glory may dwell in our land." Ps 85:9

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