Thursday 12 June 2014

Alternatives by Susan L.

  When I was away with my folks in Stratford, the woman who ran the B&B had different teas available. She had one, lemon verbena, that was supposed to relieve anxiety. It did. In fact, after having a cup, I felt slightly stoned. Voila, my anxiety disappeared for a couple of hours which was wonderful. Yesterday, I went hunting to find some here in town.
  The health food store carried one pound bags of loose leaf tea but I wanted to make sure it wouldn't interfere with my prescriptions even though it feels like they aren't working anyways. No sense in compounding the problem. The sales woman didn't know of any adverse reactions so she suggested I talk to a professional. Good advice. A brief consultation with my pharmacist didn't provide any answers. The reference book they use had no information about lemon verbena interfering with other medications.
  A one pound bag seemed a lot. Especially if it didn't have the required effect. The B&B had the tea in prepared tea bags so I knew it had to be sold somewhere. I'd looked for it at my regular grocery store last week. They didn't have it. There was no choice but to go into the bigger store, the one I avoid like the plague because it overwhelms me, to see if there was any there. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
  Squashing down my nerves, a quick prayer, I entered the store focusing on the only job at hand: tea investigations.
  They have a fairly large organic department. None of the teas had lemon verbena. Their non-organic coffee and tea department is large as well. I found one with a bit of the herb in it made by TAZO called Zen Tea. It's probably not as potent as a tea made straight from the leaves so I figured, come what may, a little bit can't hurt.
  It had the desired effect. For a couple of hours, my chest loosened, the knots in my stomach eased. It was absolutely wonderful. Still, I'll only allow myself one cup a day just in case until I talk with my doctor: five days and counting.
  "And God said, "See I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food."" Gen 1:29


  1. I think it's wonderful that you've found a semi-solution! Good idea to check it out, but you may have to be your own judge. I won't be surprised if your psychiatrist can't advise you about herbal remedies. Classical medical training only includes prescription drugs, unless a doctor seeks out other information on his/her own. My GP had no information on glucosamine, which I need to take daily in order to stay out of chronic back pain. So, I take it and hope for no long-term side effects.

  2. Internet medical sites are a great resource (and I emphasize medical sites, not some grass guru). I've researched many a "natural" product that way - and glad I did. Just because it is natural doesn't mean it is good for you at this time/with other meds. As my dad use to say "Cow poop is natural, but you wouldn't want to eat it."

    As I've been reading your posts - I've been so aware of your count down to seeing the doctor. As a fellow sufferer of dark places - please be careful not to "set yourself up" with the appointment. I sense you are "putting all your eggs in one basket". You know that even if a new/better Rx is given, it takes about 6 weeks to see if effective. Remember - the arm of flesh can fail you. Disappointment can lead you down further. Keep praying and leaning on the everlasting arms.

  3. Thank you for the egg warning. Yes, I am aware of the length of time it takes for meds to work, if they will at all. My own history with psychotropic meds has not been good. In a way, this is adding to the stress. Like you said, all I can do is lean into my Father's arms as I go through this process with my doctor.


Boundary Study Part 2

   "Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy...