Thursday 28 January 2016

Quest for the Holy Grail by Susan L.

  When I first began my walk with the Lord nearly twelve years ago, this newfound faith was my lifeline. At the time, I described my eager learning as a quest for the Holy Grail, the cup that Christ used at the last supper. I had done some reading about the knights of old and their own quests prior to coming to Christ. Already the Lord had put a hunger in me to know more.
  The knights were just as hungry for a personal relationship with God. The powers of religion back then were reluctant to allow "lay persons" the ability to find faith and truth outside of their doctrine, religious practices and teachings. That's where the quest came in. The knights' pilgrimages were a journey of personal growth and in order to gain permission for these quests for truth and enlightenment, they made the Holy Grail their ultimate goal. With armor shining and banners flying off they would go to the Holy Land.
  I am thankful that in this day and age we have so much available at our fingertips, literally. Even if we don't have the paper versions of the Bible, internet and digital copies are there for the reading. Lord, let Your Word become available to everyone throughout the entire world.
  So where did my quest lead me? I slowly began to understand what it meant to partake of the Cup of Christ. As I imagined sitting down with the disciples at the Last Supper, it helped me become part of a community of believers. It helped ease my own suffering and pain because even that enabled me to relate to the suffering of Christ. It helped me come to terms with the betrayal that had so rocked my world. It helped me see that the Hands that held the cup were full of love.
  There's so much more represented by that humble vessel. I am still on my own journey towards the Holy Land. It's a quest that will last a lifetime.
  "Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, saying, "Drink from it, all of you." Mat 26:27


  1. I pray that you may find what is more precious than the cup of Christ... the blood of our Lord and Saviour within the cup. (Mat 26:28, Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20, John 6:53-56)


Boundary Study Part 4

  "Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked." Psalm 1:1   I don't have to go too far to find wicked ad...