Monday 24 August 2015

Virtual Hope by Susan L.

  Before going into church, I was able to ask one of the elders about the volume of the pastor's mike. They spoke to the sound people so it wasn't anywhere near as loud as it was last week. The pastor wasn't as forceful either. Perhaps he has gained a level of comfort with us as well. I won't say it was easy but it was easier to sit through as I doodled in my sketch pad, making notes in amongst the swirls and daisies.
  Pen and paper do a great job of keeping me grounded and in the moment.
  There's an now app for that as well. It's called "Virtual Hope". It's a recovery based/wellness based little program that includes different sections. One to distract containing a variety of puzzle games. One to inspire with many uplifting quotations. You can add your favorites as well which is nice. Generic quotation selections tend not to include the scriptures.
  The "relax me" section has some guided meditations and breathing exercises. You can upload photos, videos or music that are personally significant as well. Photos run as a slide show on the home page. This makes it easy to remind ourselves about what is important in our lives.
  For me, the best part of Virtual Hope is a section on coping tools. Digital flash cards contain a place to enter what the problem is, such as anxiety. There's a spot for emotions and physical symptoms. What sets this apart is there is a place to enter the coping skills that work for each of us individually in the circumstances that challenge us.
  It's a great pocket resource to have when things aren't going so well. At also provides an easy way to communicate with those around you so they can understand what is happening or even how they can help.
  Lord, bless the developers of this app that has the potential to change lives. Amen!
  "The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light." Mat 6:22


  1. Always remember the Holy Spirit is the Comforter. He is always present.

    1. Amen! And that wonderful reminder is going to be added to my own quotes section. Thank you.


Boundary Study Part 4

  "Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked." Psalm 1:1   I don't have to go too far to find wicked ad...