Sunday 31 May 2015

Song by Susan L.

  I sat at the piano yesterday for a long while. Venturing into a new frontier, I started working on a piece of music of my very own by attempting to play the rain in the form of a gathering thunderstorm. There's no lyrics, just the music. There was something freeing in not merely playing someone else's songs even though it is still a bit rough and rather short; a few pencil scratches on a piece of staff paper.
  There's more music theory forgotten than remembered but that's okay. It can be finessed and polished as the song evolves. I had to smile a bit because it was necessary to think about the EGBDF, the lines on the treble staff. Like a touch typist, there has long been an automatic connection to written music. Writing the notes down required a bit more thought and a fair bit of erasing.
  In thinking about it, my composition needs a bit more introduction to represent the breathless waiting in the calm before the storm. Some sweet chords with a few discordant notes tossed in to add tension. Hmmm...then the wind would build, the thunder would rumble in the distance even before the first raindrops hit. And the birds would sing once it was past and the sun burst from behind the clouds in a raiment of gold and silver.
  Help me, Lord, hear the colours in music.
  It's like I've discovered another dimension to express my artist's eye and my poet's heart. It's something new and fresh and full of hope.
  I may never write another piece of music but somehow it feels like it's something I need to do. It's something that has been building in my heart for many years: a soul song.
  "I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth--Praise to our God." Ps 40:1-3


  1. Wow! You are so talented. It really is a gift to be able to express yourself. I think a lot of problems folks have is because they can't express how they feel. Don't they say depression is anger turned inwards? With writing, art, music, gardening, painting, decorating, and more, you are very blessed.

    1. Amen. The Lord must have known I'd need each and every one of them to make it through the times spent on the Black River.


Boundary Study Part 5

   "The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race; He looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God." Psalm...