Saturday 9 November 2013

Significance by Susan L.

It's a very special day for me. This day in 2004 was the day I came to the Lord. It was a terrible time. A time of madness. Thankfully the Lord had placed people in my life who I could turn to that bleak and desperate day. That morning I found the amazing Something my heart and soul had yearned for my entire life. Houses, cars, work, hobbies, TV, books, the things I'd filled my life with couldn't save me that day. I confess it wasn't an easy choice. The devil spun his bleak and tuneless song: unworthy, guilty, prejudice, shame, ignorance, mistrust, doubt, suspicion...Eventually he ran out of words as the Lord waited patiently for me to accept His Son as my Saviour. I gambled on God. There was nothing left to lose. I had nothing left to enable me to face another day. Rock bottom. But my stumbling prayers of asking forgiveness and invitation to Jesus were honoured. Light swept away the darkness before my eyes. The sorrowful, heartbreaking burden of my ex-husband's infidelity lifted off my shoulders. Tomorrow seemed possible. I know I'd never have made it through the past nine years without Him. Yes, in the days and months swallowed by the depths of depression and suicidal thoughts I often lost sight of Him. The best part? Is knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that He never lost sight of me. I will never be alone again. "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide in you forever---the Spirit of truth...for He dwells with you and will be in you."Jn 14:16-17


  1. I'm celebrating this day with you Susan my friend. I'm so glad you found God--or he found you! :)


Boundary Study Part 6

   "No one lights a lamp and them puts it under a basket." Matthew 5:15   Guess what? Boundaries are more than no trespassing sign...