Thursday 10 October 2024

Safe Haven

   "This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him." Psalm 91:2

  This may end up being a bunch of random thoughts. Some are half formed but worth exploring further. Others are more solid but it helps to write them down.

  I keep mulling over the possibility of having thoughts about the future. Smile. Just writing about it gets my stomach in knots! Over the last several days, it's become apparent that the ability to set goals or have dreams is firmly rooted in feeling safe. It makes sense. Being insecure is born in an environment of insecurity.
  The details don't matter at this point. What matters now is helping this new idea of being safe continue to grow. Which, of course, involves leaning heavily on Jesus because I can't do it alone. Alone is not a place of safety.
  Community is. 
  Boy, I never thought I'd say that! 

  So if I choose to have a dream or a hope for the future, there needs to be a community involved to help foster, encourage, guide, pray for and support the effort involved in seeing a dream come to fruition.
  This means I have to willingly embrace the dreams and plans of One who is far greater than I. But, not only embrace them but believe what He says is true. 
  In the drawing shared a couple of days ago, there is a road. It winds through hills, sometimes hidden, sometimes in plain sight before vanishing over the horizon. It's not the first time this idea has been illustration of trust but that's what it is. Am I willing to trust God's plan?
  Trust is the daughter of feeling safe. 
  Maybe "safe" should be capitalized...feeling Safe because, if I may be so bold, this is another name for Jesus..."Safe"...I like that.

  Being able to set boundaries and maintain them can only come from a place of security. Yet another realization as I've mulled over the significance of coming back to safe.
  That's enough for today. These few words have stirred up emotions running the spectrum from anger to regret and back again. Regardless of where the sad feelings go, I find myself very hopeful and that, my friends, is because of Jesus.

  One last safe a destination or a way to live life?


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The Robes

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