And thanks to Google and this image from the Watchtower online library, I just realized a yoke is something used by people, too!
I had always understood this particular passage as a metaphor for being paired with Jesus in a yoke built for two; that He was there helping me bear the load of life. In seeing this image of the woman, I am struck by the thought that a yoke used this way parallels the cross beam of the Cross where Jesus lay down His life for us. It leaves me humbled that the Lord took such weight upon Himself.
Using a yoke enables a person to carry a tremendous amount of stuff with greater ease. Far more than carrying a bucket or an armful of something would ever amount to. Twice the work in half the amount of time is probably why some production manager started using a piece of wood this way. It took a smart soul to realize if it was shaped to nestle over the neck and wrapped in cloth, it would be far less painful for the bearer.
Maybe that's part of it, too. Sometimes we don't know the weight we bear. Burdens have a way of weighing down our shoulders even when they are invisible.
Yet, Jesus says His burden is light. I imagine the two water jugs this woman is carrying splitting into shards. Blinding beams of golden white light stream out from the cracks and holes. A fanciful visual that allows me to imagine what the Lord does and has done with my burdens.
Thank You, Lord, for providing metaphors with such rich and diverse meaning behind them.
Thank You as well, Lord, that You have raised me up to being far more than a beast of burden.
Thank You most of all that in You, I have found rest.
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