Monday, 16 May 2016

Bird Census by Susan L.

  Simply for curiosity's sake, I've been keeping track of the different types of birds that grace my neighbourhood. Some have shown themselves. Others have been identified by song. Even though that recognition tool is rather limited, my knowledge is growing.
 There are Mourning Doves, Grackles, Starlings, Chickadees, and tiny Wrens. There are several types of sparrows all dressed in drab browns and grays. The Song Sparrow's beautiful arias more than make up for his neutral colouring.
  Red-breasted Robins, dandelion yellow American Goldfinches, and Mallard Ducks are bright and colourful. I've seen several other varieties of ducks on the river as they rest during their migration north but that was before I began my little census.
  Canada Geese are a perpetual neighbour unless the lake freezes.
  Turkey Vultures are incredibly ugly compared to others of the avian clan yet fly with a ballerina's grace. It's wonderful to watch them soar, riding thermal winds, with barely a wing beat. I fear the tree they nest in every year came down in the ice storm because I haven't seen the pair who made it their home yet.
  Crows and seagulls take advantage of the freshly plowed fields.
  There are many more unidentified singers in the woods across the way: the shyest birds that I'd be lucky to catch a glimpse of.
  One of my not-so-shy favorites is the Orchard Oriole who also make their way further north to breed. The male's bright orange and black is stunning, his song is beautiful.
  And how could I forget the Blue Jays' constant squabbles and the Red-Winged Blackbirds who are just as territorial!
  It's not surprising that this is another gratitude post. There's so much life out there! Each has its own special niche in the great circle of life. It leaves me awestruck how God left no little detail undone. And these are just the birds! There's plants, grasses, flowers, insects, arachnids, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles that haven't even been considered!
  Lord, help us be better stewards of this planet so future generations will be blessed as You have blessed me. In Jesus' name I pray.
  "My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God; even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young--even Your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in Your house. They will still be praising You. Selah." Ps 84:2-4

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