Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Knock, KInock by Susan L.

  There's one thing about Sunday sermons. They sure challenge you to think about things. Lord, bless the pastors who take on the difficult job of teaching. The next few sermons are going to be on the prayer of Jabez. That isn't what's got me...You know something? This isn't something I should be blogging about. This is something I need to speak with the pastor about first.
  There's a few things I need to speak to a pastor about.
  Lord, I pray for Your truth to be clear. I pray for Your direction and wisdom and insight. I pray for discernment in my quest for truth. I pray for transparency and the right words. Help me approach the pastor with humility and respect as You have called us to do. Thank You that You are so much a part of my life. Help me become better than I am. In Jesus' name, Amen.
  "Whoever is wise will observe these things, and they will understand the lovingkindness of the Lord." Ps 107:43

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The Robes

  "Coming up behind Jesus, she (the woman who had bled for 12 years) touched the fringe of His robe." Luke 9:44   And she was heal...