Thursday 6 August 2015

Random Stuff by Susan L.

  I always wondered what birds do or where they go at night. Since the storm, it's been comfortably cool but I am sure the little beasties outside would find it downright cold in the wee hours of the morning. My clothesline is attached to an old hydro pole that still has the cross pieces. One of them is fairly rotted out, creating a little tunnel. I was blessed to see a chick-a-dee tuck himself in there as the night closed in. Safely hidden and insulated by the wood I am sure he had a comfortable night. 

  These rather blurry images are a hummingbird moth at my bee balm. It's different from the other one I saw which was more pale. This one has been back a couple of times to eat so I'll keep trying to get a better photo but insects can be challenging! This particular one moves very fast and I am pleased to have gotten even these pictures!

  The shoe rack is now installed at the centre. It really makes the front entrance much tidier. It's funny though, in true carpenter fashion, I measured and measured and measured again the space where it was going to go. The same when I was cutting the wood. "Measure twice, cut once" is the carpenter's motto. I'll believe it was a Divine hand who stopped it from being any taller. It just rolled in under the coat rail which now holds it securely without the unit having to be attached to the wall for safety reasons.
  We had to remove a piece of the quarter round along the baseboard to get the bottom section to fit between the trim and the baseboard heater. Again, any wider, it wouldn't have worked! There obviously a few mistakes somewhere in my calculations but then, math has never been my strong point.
  It all helps to keep me humble and in awe of the Creator of creators whose Divine countenance watches over the birds, the insects and every single one of us no matter what we do.
  "By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible." Heb 11:3




Boundary Study Part 5

   "The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race; He looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God." Psalm...