Tuesday 29 August 2017

What Day Is It? by Susan L.

  No affirmation today. The list is at home.
  After the abrupt departure last Thursday, it's been a whirlwind of activity. The call came that my uncle could move into a private room in a hospice, Emmanuel House. I had to come down to Ancaster to attend the assessment meeting. It was more of a formality than anything. They had already talked to my uncle's family doctor who was adamant he be placed right away.
  Friday morning I drove him over to his new home.
  Since then, he's been given oxygen that has improved his colour immensely. He's also been given a different, daily treatment that has also helped his breathing. None of this would have happened at the house.
  I've been packing up. The landlord asked that we vacate as quickly as possible because there's a young couple who wants to live here. They've asked to come in early so they can do some work around the house before they move in. The landlord is an old friend who's been good to my uncle. He even came a few mornings to get his breakfast out. Originally I thought I would need until the 15th of the month but everything went much faster than planned.
  Despite most of the belongings having already been cleared away by my uncle, it's surprising how much was left. Between going a couple times a day to visit my uncle, to make sure he was settling in, to go shopping to find comfortable clothes, to getting them labelled and facing what felt like a monumental task of clearing out the house was truly overwhelming.
  My son came over on Saturday night and helped me all day Sunday. Everything that is to be donated is now in one room. He's coming back tonight to pick up the few pieces of furniture that wouldn't fit in his van full of family. Seeing my grandchildren was a wonderful gift in the midst of the storm. Between the two of us, everything is done with the exception of me loading my own car and having the donations picked up.
  My folks came yesterday. They took a few things over to my uncle which left me free to finish what still needed doing.
  I have to learn how to ask for help.
  Underneath all the busy, there's the grief. There's the sadness that comes with all new beginnings which only happen when something ends. I don't know how long my uncle will be on this earth but I am assured that he is where he needs to be.
  I am thankful it all came together so quickly. I am thankful for the amazing people who helped make this happen. I am thankful the Lord has the entire situation under His wings.
  And the Lord's prayer spills off my lips.



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