Sunday 9 June 2013

Raised Spirits by Susan L.

It was nice to spend most of yesterday in my poor, neglected garden. Weeds have gained a strong foothold. By the time I was done, dirt covered almost every piece of exposed skin. A sign of lots accomplished and a good day. I needed the time to allow the repercussions of the latest paradigm shift work their way into my heart, soul and spirit. Wounds I didn't know were there are healed. Misunderstandings are set aside. Detrimental core beliefs are exposed and disposed of as Godly truth takes their place. It happens so fast when God lovingly kisses the broken spots, validating the pain. And I am thankful. And repentant,too. I am and was far from perfect. And relieved as bitter helplessness, the black river, and the cloak of victimization are once again set aside. Vanquished. Sometimes I need to go there for a while, be a victim I mean, even though every fibre of my being rebels because it is such an ugly place. I know my prayers not to be a bitter, spiteful woman will be answered. There's that and I need to let that piece of me have a voice. She deserves being heard. I've been a silent captive for far too long. "The heart knows its own bitterness, and a stranger does not share its joy." Prov 14:10

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Boundary Study Part 2

   "Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy...