Friday 29 December 2017

Affirmation #184 by Susan L.

  I am a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17
  "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." NKJV
  "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" JCB

  There's something wonderful about new. A baby sleeping in her mother's arms following the rigors of birth. A never-before-opened book that smells of ink. Christmas pajamas. A freshly laundered soft and cozy sweater. The glint of a golden sun first thing in the morning. And yes, a fresh blanket of snow that reveals traces of a hidden world: the bunny that lives somewhere around here.
  But cynicism has worked its way into my heart. The constant commercial bombardment of "new and improved" is rarely proven true. New this. New that. The miracle cleaner. The miracle age eradicator lotion. The latest in exercise technology. The toothpaste with the new claim that it repairs tooth enamel when a few months ago, the same company's ads for the same product proclaimed that tooth enamel couldn't be repaired. (I think the marketing department should have thought that one through a bit better.)
  "New" has lost its lustre. "New" is regarded with scepticism and downright suspicion.
  Hmmm, this blasé attitude about "new" isn't something specific to our modern culture. It's been around a long time.
  Look at how Jesus was regarded by many when He rocked the status quo with His New Covenant of promise, grace, acceptance and love for all who would believe.
  With Jesus, "new" is eternal and constant. It's the real deal.
  It's those breathless moments when an often read Bible verse leaps from the pages rich with fresh understanding. It's the realization that what has happened in the past doesn't matter. It's the joy found in a worship song that touches the heart in ways it's never been touched before. It's the anticipation of what lies ahead.
  It's being remade, restored.
  It's knowing that each day dawns as a new beginning, a new chance to be better than I am. Thanks to the grace and loving kindness of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

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