Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Fascination and a Bit of a Rant by Susan L.

  Work crews have been plugging away at getting our little row of houses rewired. The different equipment being used for different aspects of the project has me amazed at the ingenuity of inventors.
  There's the big auger and crane for installing hydro poles. A vacuum truck that uses high water pressure to dig then sucks up the slurry made the holes by the house for the electrician to work in. Another truck showed up this morning with long pipes. It's going to bore the holes underground from the pole to the house for the power line casing. That's a big black hose which is currently wound around a giant wheel waiting for the next step.
  The crew with the vacuum truck had to tear up some of the boardwalk that leads to my front door. That's a tough old job. (I'd forgotten to warn them there was cement underneath.) Whoever built it did the job right and it's still mostly solid even after all these years. The young man who was delegated to clearing the way was using a short, hammer/pry bar combination. I watched him struggle for a bit, being ever so careful not to damage the wood, then offered him my own longer pry bar that has both a straight end and a hooked end for extra leverage.
  I also let him know that if he couldn't save all the wood, that was okay. When all is said and done if the only cost to me is to replace a couple of boards, well, praise God!
  It's wonderful how something so simple can make someone's day.
  I've been rather grieved because there's others out there who have done nothing but heap abuse on these hard working men and women, especially on the hydro crews for not working hard enough or fast enough. Oh my goodness, perhaps following them for a day might be a good exercise in awareness. I know one fellow only had six hour's sleep before putting in another eighteen hour day of hard, physical slogging and that was the most he'd had all week!
  Yes, your basement may have flooded because the power went out. I am sorry. A small, portable generator isn't that expensive: a couple of popular video game's worth. Yes, your house got cold. It was cold outside. Yes, the lights didn't work. Powerful LED flashlights are readily available at the dollar store. Yes, some repairs are your responsibility. Don't most home repairs fall under the owner's domain?
  There's a culture of entitlement running rampant in North America. It's an expectation that the government should pay for our unpreparedness. If we have the ability to own a house, we should be aware that comes with responsibility. Nothing is guaranteed.
  Except Jesus.
  "Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints! Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy. For all nations shall come and worship before You." Rev 15:3-4


  1. What a powerful post! That is a lot of work being done and a lot of crazy machines and vehicles doing the work, you are so right about inventors ingenuity -- wow. I really love the ending of your post the most, what a great way to wrap up your thoughts with a Bible verse. Very powerful and enjoyable!

    Rudy Swanson @ Haaker


The Robes

  "Coming up behind Jesus, she (the woman who had bled for 12 years) touched the fringe of His robe." Luke 9:44   And she was heal...