Thursday, 17 March 2016

Rip 'er Out by Susan L.

  With not too much dithering about yesterday's decision making options, choice one won. In a frenzy of yarn ball making, the fancy knitted pattern that made the sweater too small quickly unravelled. I am not overly disappointed because experimenting and the inevitable do-overs only increases my knowledge. It was also decidedly amusing watching Pumpkin watch the process. He really has a thing for yarn...but then, he is a cat!
  The afternoon was spent downstairs in the workshop. The display table has a start, at least the drawers do. The pieces are all cut except for the bottoms. The sides have a groove routered in them so the base is supported all the way around. A first attempt at finger joints isn't all that pretty but at least the corners meet flush and squarely. That's a huge victory! Anyways, a good sanding followed by a painted finish will hide a multitude of imperfections.
  A lack of wood glue stopped me at that point.
  A I puttered away, it dawned on me that there's such a thing as a healthy fear. Using the various power saws and tools is approached with respect for the damage they could do in a moment of inattention. A single slip could result in a lost finger. Even the pointy ends of the knitting needles are treated with care. An eye is a precious thing. Being safe is a priority no matter what I am doing.  
  Perhaps not having any glue was a good thing because by that time I was tired. Fatigue and dangerous equipment do not go well together.
  The doing of things has never been an issue. Knowing when to stop is another matter altogether.
  "Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches." Prov 24:3-4


  1. Your comment " The doing of things has never been an issue. Knowing when to stop is another matter altogether." made me smile. I hurt my back in October just reaching for that last 2 feet of drape tops while holding up a vacuum and stretching the wand...just 2 more feet! They physiotherapist said that is when most injuries happen. You know you are tired, but just a bit more. You are tired, but just one more run skiing. The physio said that the injuries usually happen then! Wisdom shown on your part!!

    1. I give all the credit to God for making sure there wasn't any glue!


The Robes

  "Coming up behind Jesus, she (the woman who had bled for 12 years) touched the fringe of His robe." Luke 9:44   And she was heal...