Friday 5 February 2016

Stroke of Utter Genius by Susan L.

  It had been a busy day at work so last night, still on a bit of a sensory overload, I tossed and turned unable to fall asleep. It was just one of those nights when the brain can't shut down. At one point, I sat on the edge of the bed feeling rather frustrated as well as exhausted. In a flash of brilliant inspiration, an idea for today's post flooded in.
  Yah. It's gone this morning. So much for genius! It wasn't really a stroke. More like a smack upside the head.
  For curiosity's sake I had done a few of those free online tests to find out my IQ. An exercise of pure vanity that was quickly put in its place. It started off as a rather high score on one fairly easy test (woohoo!) then as I did a couple more, ended up coming in lower and lower and lower. It was the math questions that did me in. I remember struggling in school over the greater than,< ,or less than, >, symbols. It took a long time to figure out how they worked. Give me an anagram any day!
  My first job after graduating high school was at the Alberta Student Finance Board. I was a loan disbursement officer. Someone else calculated how much students would get for the year. My job was to break it down into payments spread throughout the year according to a math formula. The irony always struck me as funny. And I still remember the file colours assigned according to the first digit of the student's social insurance number. I have no idea why that utterly useless piece of information is still floating around in the ole gray matter. I did file a few thousand of them though, the other part of my job.
  Since then, I've mostly managed to avoid any math related jobs. One brief stint as a cashier in a grocery store did not end well. That was before the machines did all the math and counting change was done by the person standing at the till. Rarely did my cash drawer balance at the end of the day.
  Thank You, Lord, for Your provision. Thank You for placing me in jobs suited to my abilities.
  "Why should it be thought incredible by you that God raises the dead?" Acts 20:8


  1. I had one of those nights too! We could have had a 2 am chat :)

  2. What does He say?
    Romans 10:10
    And I'll see you someday.
    Let's getta Big-Ol beer Upstairs.
    Gotta lotta tok bout celebrating
    our eternal resurrection, deal?
    I. Love. You.
    in Jesus Name.
    cya soon...


Boundary Study Part 5

   "The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race; He looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God." Psalm...