Saturday 18 April 2015

Reflections on the Harvest bySusan L.

  Three hundred and sixty-five days ago I turned fifty. At the time I had a feeling it was going to be a year of harvest. I'm fifty-one today. What better time to put on a gratitude hat and reflect upon the year past even if it feels a bit odd having thanksgiving in April!
  Was it really a harvest year? I say yes.
  Building the shed in the garden utilized all the woodworking skills amassed during my marriage as well during all the home renovations I've done to my little house. It also forced me to add to that knowledge which always is a good thing. Who knows when I'll need that knowledge again? Although I am definitely not going into the construction business, the shed was a fruit of labour.
  I've shared about the piano and having the ability to play a harvest of hymns and worship songs at home. To have joined the worship team as well. A harvest of confidence seeds perhaps? Practice makes perfect.
  To know that a small column in a rural paper has the ability to touch people's lives is truly a reward beyond measure. The blog has helped by teaching me to say something within a small amount of space. The blog has also prepared the soil of writing and enabled me to reap many seeds of confidence. Thank you, readers, for helping water the soil.
  This is taking way too much brain power. Not being well stinks. Maybe what I'll do is keep a pen and paper handy for the day and add to this list as the ideas come.
  "And when she rose up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, "Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not reproach her." Ruth 2:15


  1. Happy Birthday, although slightly belated.

  2. You certainly have a lot to celebrate! It has been a wonderful year for you. Not only have you accomplished a lot, you have learned a lot, shared a lot - and helped others. Not bad for a year, eh?? Happy Birthday! Happy Year!!


One of Those Days

   "Take care of this grapevine that You Yourself have planted, this son (daughter) You have raised for Yourself." Psalm 80:14-15 ...