Thursday 23 May 2013

Overdose Training by Susan L.

Yesterday was a full day staff enrichment program. We had a couple of wonderful women come to the Richmond Hill Kras man centre to do a workshop. It was about how to recognize an overdose situation and what steps to take. They came as peers and shared some of their stories of addiction. It was an eye opener. Neither "looked" like the "type". Overdose situations aren't restricted to the stereotypical person with addiction struggles. Little old ladies can of on prescription meds just as easily. This is a situation that can touch all of us at some time. I also walked away with the understanding that I know far more about these situations than I realized having experienced someone who had God's on alcohol. It was scary but at that time, I only had gut instincts to go on when the person lay comatose on the kitchen floor. I called 911. Not a happy memory but I can give thanks for the experience. It will serve me well. "Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow." Mk 4:3

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Boundary Study Part 2

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