Tuesday 5 July 2016

Verdict by Susan L.

  Thankfully I was able to get in to the doctor's yesterday. This time it's a throat infection which has affected my inner and outer ears which means my balance equipment is a bit screwy. It explains the fatigue and fever. It explains the cough which, also thankfully, isn't because of a chest infection.
  During my appointment, I mentioned how wonderful it was to have gotten an appointment simply because someone had cancelled. This is especially true of the Monday after a long weekend when the office is swamped. The doctor said that if there was a need to see him, simply tell the receptionist that he has said it's okay to squeeze me in. He smiled and said that I was simply too nice, that it was the forceful people who get the appointments right away. You know, the ones who can get downright nasty with the receptionists. Squeaky wheels.
  This isn't the first time I've heard about making a fuss to get what I want ASAP if not sooner. It simply isn't in my nature to be mean to someone who is trying to do the best they can. I've been on the receiving end far too many times.
  This is probably why the tree is still standing. I've not squeaked at the township enough.
  It takes way too much energy to be angry over things that aren't worth being angry about. Besides, if the tree had been taken down, the Orioles wouldn't have come!
  "You have heard that it was said, "An eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also." Mat 5:38-39


  1. I think we have trouble, myself included, in learning how to be "assertive" without being aggressive. Aggression is fuelled by anger, but I think of assertiveness as insisting on what is right, without necessarily making a fuss. I'm not suggesting a squeaky wheel approach, just that sometimes we should be more comfortable in conveying our legitimate needs nicely, rather than keeping quiet. After all, if people don't know our needs, they certainly can't help us. And we have to "pick our battles", i.e. decide which things we want to expend our energy on dealing with.

    I'd encourage you to follow your doctor's advice if you need to see him again. He has given you permission to be assertive with his staff in arranging your appointment, despite his busy schedule. Your health is very important.

    1. For me, it was more about the doctor validating my health needs during what has been a long, unpleasant run of illness.

  2. Glad to hear you feel validated. The blog comments made it sound like you didn't feel comfortable with telling the receptionist to squeeze you in.

    1. It's also recognizing that my needs are just as important as anyone else's as well.


Boundary Study Part 4

  "Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked." Psalm 1:1   I don't have to go too far to find wicked ad...