Wednesday 29 March 2017

Accepted!! by Susan L.

  There's one thing about being accepted. I had to know rejection first. The enemy was so good at using the world to make sure I wasn't good enough, that I even rejected myself!
  Isn't that the idea though? If I am isolated from community, friendship, and trust because of the fear of not being acceptable, then there's not much room for receiving the unconditional acceptance of Christ.
  To even embrace the idea of unconditional acceptance is challenging because it is so incredibly foreign to my experiences.
  This isn't to say, now I am a follower of Jesus, that everyone will like me. That's okay. I don't like everybody either. This is not the same as rejecting them. Jesus has shown me that it is possible to act out of love regardless of like.
  He's shown me, but it's sometimes hard to live out. What's the old saying? When I point a finger at someone, there's three pointing back at me.
  The last several days have been spent in wrapping my soul and spirit with positive affirmations. Behind the scenes is a huge awareness of my flaws. The challenge is to acknowledge those flaws without condemnation but rather with a willing heart, an eagerness to change, grow and become a better person. I hunger for being the woman God predestined me to be.
  I really, really want to know her.
  The biggest struggle is listening to anything that even hints at criticism. Perhaps it's because most of my life was lived according to someone else's framework. The judgements and criticisms of others trapped me into trying to live up to impossible expectations.  All this did was feed into self-rejection. I simply wasn't the person they wanted me to be. Yet, I judged myself because I was inadequate to the task. (Forgive me, Lord.)
  The other side of this is living up to the worst that was expected and falling short of my full potential. (Forgive me for that, my Lord.) Hmm, yet another part of the rejection spectrum: not succeeding because success also means rejection. Boy, the devil sure can spin some webs.
  It's safe to acknowledge that I can never be adequate enough to fulfill all the needs and desires of others; an outward projection of want.
  Critical language is toxic when it is simply used to criticise. Even if the criticisms aren't directed at me personally, hearing someone rant about the inadequacies of another person or business or clothing or the car they drive or how they live fills the very air with darkness.
  It must grieve the loving heart of Jesus.
  I also want to make it very clear that when we are seeking healing, talking about the bad things isn't criticism but the first step in letting them go.
  Correct me, Lord, when I view others with a critical heart. Grant me awareness so I let critical words go unuttered. Renew my mind with a blanket of grace and acceptance for all Your children. In Jesus' name I pray. AMEN!
  "To the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound towards us in all wisdom and prudence." Eph 1:6-8


  1. When you see yourself with flaws you are seeing everyone's reality, because we are all flawed, but remember we were made in the image of God and are perfect in his eyes. You have always been amazing to me with the talents you've presented to the world.


Boundary Study Part 6

   "No one lights a lamp and them puts it under a basket." Matthew 5:15   Guess what? Boundaries are more than no trespassing sign...