Saturday 16 July 2016

Renaissance Woman by Susan L.

  I couldn't find my ancient dictionary so in a spate of utilizing technology, a quick search on line found the definition of "renaissance". It means re-birth, renewal. Hmm, the first step of accepting Jesus into my life began that often painful process of letting go and letting in, of becoming the "new (wo)man".
  I think I mentioned yesterday that the Renaissance era was marked by an explosion in the arts and sciences in the 1500-1600's. If I remember my grade 13 Art History class, this is when things like drawing using perspective started as opposed to the flat, almost graphic art of the previous centuries.  
  Leonardo DaVinci is the ultimate example of a Renaissance Man because of his proficiency in art and science. His scientific drawings of human anatomy and different machines are still used to this day. That's part of the definition as well, being proficient in many things. He had an insatiable curiosity about the world around him and always tried new things especially when it came to his art. Sadly, some of those inventive painting techniques haven't had the staying power of other traditional methods so many of his great works, like the Last Supper, are falling apart and have required massive restoration efforts. This brief bio doesn't do the man justice.
  What does this mean in relation to my own life? How do I compare to such an incredible man?  
  Well, there's the art: acrylics, watercolours, pen and ink, pencil, collage, mandalas, or a combination of media are all part of the fabric of my being. Like breathing. Maybe comparing myself to Leonardo is a bit presumptuous but I think I can say there's a level of proficiency in using these various creative tools.
  Writing, although spell check is my friend. I love word crafting, and pouring images into the mind.
  Music. My hybrid organ/piano technique is unique to say the least. Exploring composition has been both a lot of fun and terribly frustrating. The flute? My abilities suit me just fine. A concert flautist I am not yet, the piano explorations have enabled me to ad lib, or should I say cover up my wrong notes usually caused by not paying attention.
  Woodworking. Designing things. Building things like the shed, the deck, to bird houses. Ahh, the sweet, sweet fragrance of sawdust! I am a far cry from a master carpenter. There are still plenty of skills I'd love to learn in that regard.
  Textiles. Knitting, sewing...I successfully made a macramé plant hangar the other day thanks to instructions found on line. The first two hit the garbage because of my weakness of rushing headlong into a project, of wanting to get it done NOW!
  Yet, the essence of all of this isn't about what I can do. It's about being an explorer. It's about the reams of paper that have hit the recycling bin. It's about the scraps of mis-cuts on the bonfire. It's about the awkward notes only heard by my ears (and maybe the neighbours). It's about the willingness to start again until it feels right, whatever "it" is.
  Every single re-start is a renaissance of it's own. Every mistake is the labour pain of renewal.
  Maybe the biggest part of embracing the label of "Renaissance Woman" is simply accepting the limitless possibilities God has waiting, just around the corner of tomorrow.
  "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Rom 12:2

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