Wednesday 24 February 2016

Sights bySusan L.

  I had an appointment with my psychiatrist yesterday who is about forty-five minutes away. I'd left early to run a couple of errands and to have a wonderful lunch with my daughter. It was a lovely day that felt more like the beginning of April than the tag end of February. Mild, sunny, a great day for a putter along the back roads.
  It was the kind of day that hints of growing things to come; a rich sense of life just waiting to burst forth at the first hint of lasting warmth. There were patches of snow in the deep shadows of trees and buildings but the rest had pretty much melted away. Gone to seed cattails stood sentinel at the side of the road, untouched by snow plow Humps. The sun shone brightly casting it's warmth into the car. I drove with the window cracked open to catch the fresh air. It was a hopeful day, an exciting day, affirming we are on the downside of winter.
  There was a full moon last night.  An aura of silver rainbow surrounded his laughing face. His companion, Venus, shone brightly by his side. The first clouds of a coming storm tore by, the cool moonlight gilding their edges. Dusky black silhouettes gathered together until the moon was no more. I was almost sorry to see him go.
  Some noisy Canada geese flew overhead, their whistling wings sliced through the night's tranquility. They were flying across the road to roost on the lake. That there is open water there shows how mild this winter has been. They've never been here this time of year before.
  The storm clouds that blocked the moon have also blocked the sun. A dreary gray sky greeted me this morning. Snow has been falling since I got up. The grass and driveway are fully covered now by a new white blanket. It's a book kind of day.
  Thank You, Lord, for such wonderful sights. Thank You, for giving me the time and opportunity to simply enjoy the day.
  "The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein." Ps 24:1

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