Wednesday 10 July 2013

Four A.M. Thoughts by Sussn L.

It's still touch and go for Soot but I thought late yesterday he wasn't long for this world. As I awoke to his cries at the crack of dawn, he reminded me of one simple thing. All God's creatures have within them, within us, the irrepressible nature of life. I've seen it over and over. February lambs who were born on -30° nights laying frozen stiff and barely breathing. At those temperatures it doesn't take long. Ten, fifteen minutes. Simply an hour with the hairdryer and being cuddled by the roaring fire of the wood stove would see them bright eyed and calling for breakfast. I've seen this same spirit in all the people I've met in the PREFER program and at the centre. Against the odds, in spite of limitations slapped on them by the medical system, they live on. But it's more than an existence. They, we, thrive and accomplish great things in the face of adversity even if that great thing was simply getting out of bed. We all know someone who has beaten the odds stacked against them. It might just be the person looking back at you in the mirror. Not all the lambs survived but that, too, is the nature of life. Accidents, coyotes, and illness took their toll. In life, is death. One balancing out the other in a plan and design which is far larger, far more beautiful than anything I could ever imagine. "Those who dwell under his shadow shall return; they shall be revived like grain and grow like a vine." Joel 1:5

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Boundary Study Part 2

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