Wednesday 17 April 2013

A Taste of Eden by Susan L.

My friend showed up on Monday wanting to go for a walk so we headed into the park. It was early evening and to my delight the spring peepers were beginning to sing for the first time this year. It won't be long before this lovely frog chorus will be accompanied by the deep voices of the bull frogs. Ahhh, sounds of spring! It's a nice time of year to go for a walk. The mosquitos aren't out yet. There are footprints everywhere in the soft earth of the path. Not just human and dog but racoon, deer, mice, rabbit. There's a warm bank where turtles lay their eggs although the racoons seem to always find this tasty treat. There are beavers, too. They have cut down a lot of trees. Poplar, birch, and pussy willow appear to be their favorites. Some of them are quite a ways from the water which surprises me. They must be strong for their size to haul the branches so far. I'm glad they have the conservation area where they can do their thing without retaliation from angry home owners. It's great to actually see them once and a while. The nice thing too is there are no campers in the park yet. It is like a private garden where I can watch spring unfold.: fiddle heads, trilliums, violets and the greening of the trees. The promise of summer. "The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed." Gen 2:8

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Boundary Study Part 2

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