"They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones." NKJV
"They devise crafty schemes against your people; they conspire against your precious ones." JCB
I was a bit confused this morning about whether or not this was the right verse for the affirmation because the two translations appear to be worlds apart. But they aren't.
Winter conspired against the garden. A dry autumn followed by bitter cold. A warm stretch that fooled the plants into thinking it was time to wake up (even though it was only February) followed by more bitter cold. Then there was an ice storm. Oh, and the flood.
It impacted some of the established plants in my garden. A dwarf Alberta spruce lost most of its needles. A couple of cedars were winter burned as they call it. Mature lavender died back to less than a quarter of its size. A five foot tall Rose of Sharon had to be cut back to a one foot shrub. The grafted tree I planted to hide the hydro meter is a lost cause. Only one branch has any growth at all and it's struggling.
I spoke to a woman at the nearby nursery about how to save what I can. The spruce might come back after giving it a dose of fertilizer and generous watering, keeping the roots moist. I also threw a hunk of rusty metal chain around the base because something in the metal is good for evergreens.
Cutting away the dead branches on the cedars will make space for new growth to eventually fill in the gaps. They aren't going to be pretty for a couple of years. Maybe longer. There was a lot to cut away.
Gardening is the essence of patience. And hope, too!
On the plus side, I had meant to find some milkweed seeds to plant in the garden last fall. They are crucial to the Monarch butterfly's life cycle. No milkweed means no butterflies. As farming goes industrial, pasture fields are getting ploughed under for crop production. Open meadows are where milkweed grows naturally. The lack of meadowlands is also impacting bee and bird populations.
The Lord provided. There's a half dozen Milkweed plants growing in one of my flower beds. It's a start and when their seed pods split open in September, I'll be able to grow more next year.
I think of the individualized care every plant in my garden requires. Some thrive after being pruned back. In fact, it's necessary for them to achieve optimum growth. Other's need some tender care to get through hard seasons.
How much more does God care for His treasured creations?
That's you.
The Black River is a journey in faith. It delves into an exploration of life: from the calm, clear waters of the good days, the mundane, to the swirling eddies and deep waters of issues that face every one of us. Thank you for visiting this site. You can contact me personally at: godandtheblackriver@gmail.com
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Monday, 28 May 2018
I am Transformed. 2 Corinthians 3:18
"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord." NKJV
"So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord--who is the Spirit--makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image." JCB
Yesterdays teaching at church of John 6:1-16 was about the miracle of the loaves and fishes. That's when Jesus took five small loaves of bread and two fishes to feed the five thousand who had gathered to hear Him teach. There was a whole lot more to it than a miracle alone which I'd never heard before.
It ties into today's affirmation and it's something I wouldn't mind going over so the lesson sinks into my brain. Jesus' miracle of the loaves and fishes was a clear demonstration of transforming something humble into something magnificent.
The five thousand men gathered. Both my Bibles are gender specific. Only the men were counted as befitting their status in society at the time. No women who may have been there and definitely not children are included in the tally. That means the miracle fed even more!
So, who brings the small food supply to Jesus? A boy, one of the uncounted.
The loaves were made from barley. This is significant because rich people did not eat barley bread. If a Jewish prostitute wanted to make an offering at the temple, she was only permitted to offer barley, the grain of the sinner, the poor and the uncounted.
And the fish. They weren't Pacific salmon. They were like a sardine.
I have to wonder if what the boy brought to Jesus was a meal to feed his family. Was it a week's worth of food for them? Was this boy the primary provider in his household? Was his family amongst the gathered? His generous sacrifice would have meant his family would go hungry. Regardless, he still gave it to the Lord. Maybe, if his family was there with him, they had a full belly for the first time in a long time.
What touched me the most in learning these things was how Jesus used a boy, He used the common grain of the poor, and the labours of fishermen who were also at the bottom of society.
I hadn't known that fishermen weren't highly thought of.
A fisherman doesn't own much. No flocks of goats or sheep or cattle. No land to raise grains and vegetables. No orchards or vineyards. These are all marks of wealth and worldly status. A fisherman's life depended on the sea.
Were the small fish caught by someone so poor they didn't even own a boat? Were the fish caught by casting a net into the waters close to shore? Maybe even a net was beyond their means. Hook and line would catch one fish at a time.
Maybe it's a miracle there were even two fish. Waters close to shore would be depleted because the poor would have fished there day after day. Maybe those two little fish were a rare feast.
I've wandered away a bit from what was taught with my own musings on the story but that's one of the things I love about the Bible. Scriptures can touch each of us different ways.
I am left thinking about generosity and how that can be applied to my life. It means trusting Jesus to provide for all my means. Lord, I lift my uncertainties up to You because only in You can they be transformed.
There is much more to this series, Jesus by John, which can be found by going to the teaching link at www.themeetinghouse.com.
"So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord--who is the Spirit--makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image." JCB
Yesterdays teaching at church of John 6:1-16 was about the miracle of the loaves and fishes. That's when Jesus took five small loaves of bread and two fishes to feed the five thousand who had gathered to hear Him teach. There was a whole lot more to it than a miracle alone which I'd never heard before.
It ties into today's affirmation and it's something I wouldn't mind going over so the lesson sinks into my brain. Jesus' miracle of the loaves and fishes was a clear demonstration of transforming something humble into something magnificent.
The five thousand men gathered. Both my Bibles are gender specific. Only the men were counted as befitting their status in society at the time. No women who may have been there and definitely not children are included in the tally. That means the miracle fed even more!
So, who brings the small food supply to Jesus? A boy, one of the uncounted.
The loaves were made from barley. This is significant because rich people did not eat barley bread. If a Jewish prostitute wanted to make an offering at the temple, she was only permitted to offer barley, the grain of the sinner, the poor and the uncounted.
And the fish. They weren't Pacific salmon. They were like a sardine.
I have to wonder if what the boy brought to Jesus was a meal to feed his family. Was it a week's worth of food for them? Was this boy the primary provider in his household? Was his family amongst the gathered? His generous sacrifice would have meant his family would go hungry. Regardless, he still gave it to the Lord. Maybe, if his family was there with him, they had a full belly for the first time in a long time.
What touched me the most in learning these things was how Jesus used a boy, He used the common grain of the poor, and the labours of fishermen who were also at the bottom of society.
I hadn't known that fishermen weren't highly thought of.
A fisherman doesn't own much. No flocks of goats or sheep or cattle. No land to raise grains and vegetables. No orchards or vineyards. These are all marks of wealth and worldly status. A fisherman's life depended on the sea.
Were the small fish caught by someone so poor they didn't even own a boat? Were the fish caught by casting a net into the waters close to shore? Maybe even a net was beyond their means. Hook and line would catch one fish at a time.
Maybe it's a miracle there were even two fish. Waters close to shore would be depleted because the poor would have fished there day after day. Maybe those two little fish were a rare feast.
I've wandered away a bit from what was taught with my own musings on the story but that's one of the things I love about the Bible. Scriptures can touch each of us different ways.
I am left thinking about generosity and how that can be applied to my life. It means trusting Jesus to provide for all my means. Lord, I lift my uncertainties up to You because only in You can they be transformed.
There is much more to this series, Jesus by John, which can be found by going to the teaching link at www.themeetinghouse.com.
Sunday, 27 May 2018
Colossians 1:13
I am transferred into His Kingdom.
"He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love." NKJV
"For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of His dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins." JCB
It's early, not quite 6 AM. I've been up for about an hour already. There's a whole lot of gratitude for a friend who told me there was going to be a planned power outage this morning. That was a couple of weeks ago so I set the alarm on my phone.
Hydro crews are doing some upgrading and maintenance north of here so the outage is supposed to last for a few hours.
I can't help but smile. She truly saved me from the power of darkness! I was able to get the generator up and running in record time. No basement flood today!
But that's it, isn't it? That's what friends do. When things are at their darkest, they come alongside so we don't get lost.
That's what the best Friend ever did for us. He raised us above the darkness through His life and death.
I can't help but be thankful this morning on so many levels. There are tangible reasons and spiritual reasons. There is a grateful acknowledgement and recognition that, in all things seen and unseen, God is present.
"He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love." NKJV
"For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of His dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins." JCB
It's early, not quite 6 AM. I've been up for about an hour already. There's a whole lot of gratitude for a friend who told me there was going to be a planned power outage this morning. That was a couple of weeks ago so I set the alarm on my phone.
Hydro crews are doing some upgrading and maintenance north of here so the outage is supposed to last for a few hours.
I can't help but smile. She truly saved me from the power of darkness! I was able to get the generator up and running in record time. No basement flood today!
But that's it, isn't it? That's what friends do. When things are at their darkest, they come alongside so we don't get lost.
That's what the best Friend ever did for us. He raised us above the darkness through His life and death.
I can't help but be thankful this morning on so many levels. There are tangible reasons and spiritual reasons. There is a grateful acknowledgement and recognition that, in all things seen and unseen, God is present.
Saturday, 26 May 2018
I am Thought About. Psalm 139:17-18
"How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; when I awake, I am still with You." NKJV
"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!" JCB
Just thinking about last night's ant entertainment, how their home is being built by removing sand, grain by grain. One ant = one more step towards a new tunnel, a new nursery, a new storage area safely tucked beneath the ground. It would be the equivalent of us digging an Olympic sized swimming pool with a garden trowel! What amazing creatures!
And where we see only brown earth, to them it is a multitude of granules in a myriad of different hues and textures.
Perspective is the only difference.
The entire globe is made up of these particles: vast deserts, beaches, rolling farm land, the highest heights and the deepest caverns under the deepest seas.
My mortal brain is having a hard time grasping the vastness of this microscopic world.
Even if God's individual thoughts for every single one of the 7.6 billion people alive today was equivalent to the total of all the grains of sand on this blessed blue ball...that's, well, a pretty big number when they all get added together!
Let's see...7,600,000,000 x y (grains of sand) = a number this post isn't big enough to contain.
God's thoughts surpass this mind bending attempt to grasp God's nature through worldly mathematics.
And then, there's another element to this equation. God knows us intimately. His thoughts about me would be different than His thoughts about you.
That, my friends, utterly blows my mind yet my heart is touched this morning by the Love that cares so deeply.
Lord, to share how great You are, I have to add that Your unique and personalized thoughts have been for each of Your children since before Adam was created.
But that's okay because in this humbling moment I can rest in the sure knowledge that God's thoughts are toward me in all things. Even math. (Smile.)
"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!" JCB
Just thinking about last night's ant entertainment, how their home is being built by removing sand, grain by grain. One ant = one more step towards a new tunnel, a new nursery, a new storage area safely tucked beneath the ground. It would be the equivalent of us digging an Olympic sized swimming pool with a garden trowel! What amazing creatures!
And where we see only brown earth, to them it is a multitude of granules in a myriad of different hues and textures.
Perspective is the only difference.
The entire globe is made up of these particles: vast deserts, beaches, rolling farm land, the highest heights and the deepest caverns under the deepest seas.
My mortal brain is having a hard time grasping the vastness of this microscopic world.
Even if God's individual thoughts for every single one of the 7.6 billion people alive today was equivalent to the total of all the grains of sand on this blessed blue ball...that's, well, a pretty big number when they all get added together!
Let's see...7,600,000,000 x y (grains of sand) = a number this post isn't big enough to contain.
God's thoughts surpass this mind bending attempt to grasp God's nature through worldly mathematics.
And then, there's another element to this equation. God knows us intimately. His thoughts about me would be different than His thoughts about you.
That, my friends, utterly blows my mind yet my heart is touched this morning by the Love that cares so deeply.
Lord, to share how great You are, I have to add that Your unique and personalized thoughts have been for each of Your children since before Adam was created.
(That was my brain.)But that's okay because in this humbling moment I can rest in the sure knowledge that God's thoughts are toward me in all things. Even math. (Smile.)
Friday, 25 May 2018
Just Because
It's a quiet Friday. Balmy. So I decided to burn the half rotten old tree stumps dug up last week. They're not very big but it took some decent wood to get them lit. That's okay. It is the kind of evening that beckons you outside.
So this isn't an affirmation. It isn't even a soul searching kind of post. I simply want to invite you to pull up a chair and join me by the fire.
The lilacs...A fragrance waited all winter for. Lavender blooms crown the arching branches throughout the neighbourhood. Droning bumble bees are hurrying to get a bed time snack as the sun slips lower.
The earthy smoke swirls, keeping mosquitoes at bay...at least til the sun goes down. Their high pitched whine seems to be more frequent the lower the fire gets, the lower the sun.
I am being serenaded by robins who always sing the loudest as the dew starts gathering on the grass. Oh! There's a mourning dove and Mr. Oriole joining in. It's a beautiful counter melody to the bubbling splash from my little ornamental pond's waterfall.
As I've waited for the fire to burn down There's a great nature channel to watch...the ant channel! Grain by grain there is a major excavation taking place beneath the patio stones. It's great! No commercials!
Mindfulness has become a bit of a fad but that's what all this is...from the tiny spider web that was lit up for but a moment by the westering sun to the soft rustle of poplar leaves...It is wonderful to be so blessed. To have such a sanctuary where such a variety of God's infinite and awesome creations helps me slow down and breathe.
So there isn't a scripture verse tonight but rather, a blessing. May God's wonders grant you an eternal moment to savour.
So this isn't an affirmation. It isn't even a soul searching kind of post. I simply want to invite you to pull up a chair and join me by the fire.
The lilacs...A fragrance waited all winter for. Lavender blooms crown the arching branches throughout the neighbourhood. Droning bumble bees are hurrying to get a bed time snack as the sun slips lower.
The earthy smoke swirls, keeping mosquitoes at bay...at least til the sun goes down. Their high pitched whine seems to be more frequent the lower the fire gets, the lower the sun.
I am being serenaded by robins who always sing the loudest as the dew starts gathering on the grass. Oh! There's a mourning dove and Mr. Oriole joining in. It's a beautiful counter melody to the bubbling splash from my little ornamental pond's waterfall.
As I've waited for the fire to burn down There's a great nature channel to watch...the ant channel! Grain by grain there is a major excavation taking place beneath the patio stones. It's great! No commercials!
Mindfulness has become a bit of a fad but that's what all this is...from the tiny spider web that was lit up for but a moment by the westering sun to the soft rustle of poplar leaves...It is wonderful to be so blessed. To have such a sanctuary where such a variety of God's infinite and awesome creations helps me slow down and breathe.
So there isn't a scripture verse tonight but rather, a blessing. May God's wonders grant you an eternal moment to savour.
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
I am a Temple. 1 Corinthians 3:16
"Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" NKJV
"Don't you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?" JCB
There are a whole lot adjectives that pour out of this affirmation. Blessed. Holy. Sacred. Beloved. Gifted. Free. Undefeatable. United. Renewed. Humble. Growing. Upheld. Promised. Wise...Chosen...Forgiven...Reborn...Purified...A veritable feast of words to fill a hungering soul.
It's hard to fathom sometimes; to even think about living in and through these wonderful truths. So much stuff is more than willing to get in the way. For me, it's believing these word-gifts apply and are applied to every facet of my life. Well, maybe not "wise" all the time. (Smile.)
I think this can be summed up in one word, "Belonging." Live in it. Rest in it. Bring it to others. Be a place, a person, who creates an aura of acceptance as generously as Jesus created in us new life.
I imagine an ancient church where, for hundreds of years, people have gone to pray and worship. God's presence is infused into every rafter, every beam, every hewn stone and dust mote. His peace, this sense of belonging, resides in these holy places.
I get the same feeling of coming home, of belonging, being in a forest where the green and vibrant canopy above is the arching roof of God's temple. The moss is God's carpet. The wildflowers release the sweet aroma of incense.
For others, a church is an environment the devil uses to condemn and shame. Our enemy also twists God's people and their understanding of Him and His word to serve his evil mandate: to keep everyone as far from Jesus as possible. I am not condemning anyone because I can humbly admit I have caused hurt because of my faith without meaning to. I hope I can be forgiven.
Jesus is perfect in every way. I am imperfect.
There are "Eureka!" days I "get it" and days I forget I got it at all!
There are days when my human frailty makes me slip into old habits firmly cemented in old beliefs. Thankfully, the mortar holding these things to my soul is old, brittle and falling away one piece at a time.
I am not much in the way of a grand, awe inspiring temple...more like an eight pew, saggy roofed chapel with a wheezing pump organ that has missing keys to play worship music on. (Another smile.)
Humble as it is, my little chapel is built on the firmest of foundations. Its cornerstone is Christ. Its framework is upheld by the Holy Spirit while angel wings hold up the roof.
And my spirit soars with delightful optimism because my chapel is under renovation. To God be the glory! AMEN!
"Don't you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?" JCB
There are a whole lot adjectives that pour out of this affirmation. Blessed. Holy. Sacred. Beloved. Gifted. Free. Undefeatable. United. Renewed. Humble. Growing. Upheld. Promised. Wise...Chosen...Forgiven...Reborn...Purified...A veritable feast of words to fill a hungering soul.
It's hard to fathom sometimes; to even think about living in and through these wonderful truths. So much stuff is more than willing to get in the way. For me, it's believing these word-gifts apply and are applied to every facet of my life. Well, maybe not "wise" all the time. (Smile.)
I think this can be summed up in one word, "Belonging." Live in it. Rest in it. Bring it to others. Be a place, a person, who creates an aura of acceptance as generously as Jesus created in us new life.
I imagine an ancient church where, for hundreds of years, people have gone to pray and worship. God's presence is infused into every rafter, every beam, every hewn stone and dust mote. His peace, this sense of belonging, resides in these holy places.
I get the same feeling of coming home, of belonging, being in a forest where the green and vibrant canopy above is the arching roof of God's temple. The moss is God's carpet. The wildflowers release the sweet aroma of incense.
For others, a church is an environment the devil uses to condemn and shame. Our enemy also twists God's people and their understanding of Him and His word to serve his evil mandate: to keep everyone as far from Jesus as possible. I am not condemning anyone because I can humbly admit I have caused hurt because of my faith without meaning to. I hope I can be forgiven.
Jesus is perfect in every way. I am imperfect.
There are "Eureka!" days I "get it" and days I forget I got it at all!
There are days when my human frailty makes me slip into old habits firmly cemented in old beliefs. Thankfully, the mortar holding these things to my soul is old, brittle and falling away one piece at a time.
I am not much in the way of a grand, awe inspiring temple...more like an eight pew, saggy roofed chapel with a wheezing pump organ that has missing keys to play worship music on. (Another smile.)
Humble as it is, my little chapel is built on the firmest of foundations. Its cornerstone is Christ. Its framework is upheld by the Holy Spirit while angel wings hold up the roof.
And my spirit soars with delightful optimism because my chapel is under renovation. To God be the glory! AMEN!
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Psalm 71:6
I am sustained from birth.
"By You I have been upheld from birth; You are He who took me out of my mother's womb. My praise shall be continually of You." NKJV
"Yes, you have been with me from birth; from my mother's womb you have cared for me. No wonder I am always praising you!" JCB
There have been many near misses in my life. You know, the kind where a millisecond means the difference between living and having life snatched away.
I suppose the circumstances around my conception was a near miss as well. Would it have been easier for my birth mother to have obtained an abortion rather than carry me to term? Even though it was the 1960's? She chose to give me life.
Despite all that has taken place, despite my challenges and struggles, I am grateful for the gift of life. Without life, I would not have known the joy of the Lord.
Near misses...
Travelling with a friend, a new and nervous driver, when the windshield wiper on her battered, aged car flew off. The distraction, the driving rain...the missed stop sign...we flew through an intersection. Neither of us saw the truck but we heard him roar past, laying on his horn...milliseconds. Thank You, Lord, for watching over us.
The tractor close calls on the farm...the baler was too heavy. It started to pull me back down a hill. A roll over imminent. A heart pounding milliseconds gave me time to wrestle the whole thing around so my nose pointed safely down hill.
I had been aware the hill was too steep but was pressured into getting the sparse blades of hay from the top. That concern was justified because the next farmer to work the field avoided that entire area. At that time in my life, refusal was not an option. Thank You, Lord, I have come such a long way since then!
The day the PTO shaft jammed and broke free, spinning wildly under the momentum of the baler's power wheel. Milliseconds made the difference between the heavy metal guard being jammed instead of being a missile that would have taken my head off at the shoulders. Thank You, Lord, for honouring the prayers for safety of a seeker who had yet to embrace Your love.
Next to crab fishing in the Bering Sea, farming is the most dangerous occupation on the planet. Thank You, Lord, for keeping me safe around the equipment and around the animals.
Pulling out onto the road in New Zealand after trying to find a place to stay. Fatigue made me forget to drive on the other side. The oncoming car swerved. Milliseconds from a head on collision. I can still see the surprised and frightened expression on the driver's face. Thankfully, I only had to travel up the next driveway to find accommodation. Even if there wasn't space, I'd have slept in the car. Thank You, Lord, for the quick reflexes of the other driver.
I may not have had a personal connection with Jesus when these things happened (except in New Zealand). And some of these events are ancient history. Still, it's amazing to look back at these incidents (and others) to realize the Lord allowed me to live according to His purpose for my life.
It's also humbling to think, at various points in my life, I may have played a role in someone else's life saving milliseconds without even being aware of it.
What value lay in a life! All life!
Thank You, Lord, with every millisecond bringing me closer to the day I come home to You, You are keeping watch. Thank You, that in You, I have grown to realize just how precious life is. AMEN!
"By You I have been upheld from birth; You are He who took me out of my mother's womb. My praise shall be continually of You." NKJV
"Yes, you have been with me from birth; from my mother's womb you have cared for me. No wonder I am always praising you!" JCB
There have been many near misses in my life. You know, the kind where a millisecond means the difference between living and having life snatched away.
I suppose the circumstances around my conception was a near miss as well. Would it have been easier for my birth mother to have obtained an abortion rather than carry me to term? Even though it was the 1960's? She chose to give me life.
Despite all that has taken place, despite my challenges and struggles, I am grateful for the gift of life. Without life, I would not have known the joy of the Lord.
Near misses...
Travelling with a friend, a new and nervous driver, when the windshield wiper on her battered, aged car flew off. The distraction, the driving rain...the missed stop sign...we flew through an intersection. Neither of us saw the truck but we heard him roar past, laying on his horn...milliseconds. Thank You, Lord, for watching over us.
The tractor close calls on the farm...the baler was too heavy. It started to pull me back down a hill. A roll over imminent. A heart pounding milliseconds gave me time to wrestle the whole thing around so my nose pointed safely down hill.
I had been aware the hill was too steep but was pressured into getting the sparse blades of hay from the top. That concern was justified because the next farmer to work the field avoided that entire area. At that time in my life, refusal was not an option. Thank You, Lord, I have come such a long way since then!
The day the PTO shaft jammed and broke free, spinning wildly under the momentum of the baler's power wheel. Milliseconds made the difference between the heavy metal guard being jammed instead of being a missile that would have taken my head off at the shoulders. Thank You, Lord, for honouring the prayers for safety of a seeker who had yet to embrace Your love.
Next to crab fishing in the Bering Sea, farming is the most dangerous occupation on the planet. Thank You, Lord, for keeping me safe around the equipment and around the animals.
Pulling out onto the road in New Zealand after trying to find a place to stay. Fatigue made me forget to drive on the other side. The oncoming car swerved. Milliseconds from a head on collision. I can still see the surprised and frightened expression on the driver's face. Thankfully, I only had to travel up the next driveway to find accommodation. Even if there wasn't space, I'd have slept in the car. Thank You, Lord, for the quick reflexes of the other driver.
I may not have had a personal connection with Jesus when these things happened (except in New Zealand). And some of these events are ancient history. Still, it's amazing to look back at these incidents (and others) to realize the Lord allowed me to live according to His purpose for my life.
It's also humbling to think, at various points in my life, I may have played a role in someone else's life saving milliseconds without even being aware of it.
What value lay in a life! All life!
Thank You, Lord, with every millisecond bringing me closer to the day I come home to You, You are keeping watch. Thank You, that in You, I have grown to realize just how precious life is. AMEN!
Monday, 21 May 2018
I am Amply Supplied. Philippians 4:18
"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Jesus Christ." NKJV
"And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus." JCB
It's a long weekend here in Canada, Victoria Day, where we celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday. It's really an excuse to have a holiday in May because the connection with long ago royalty has fallen by the wayside. Instead, it's fireworks time! Towns and cities across Canada used to put on amazing fireworks displays but they are very expensive. The fireworks' budget has been saved for Canada Day on July 1. The Queen's celebration has fallen to individuals who are brave enough to set fire to rockets and sparklers and bangers. Although, last night, I don't think Queen Victoria was mentioned. Times change don't they?
A couple from church sent out an invitation for anyone who wanted to come over for a bonfire and annual fireworks display. I am not a fan of these light shows. If memory serves, I never was. The loud noises makes me jump. Combined with crowds, it makes me even jumpier, on edge. This reaction was there long before the diagnosis of an anxiety disorder.
By Friday night, I still hadn't decided whether or not to go. But standing in the pharmacy waiting for my prescriptions to be filled at 10:30 PM following worship practice, it made me laughingly realize I could use a little fun on a holiday weekend!
Last night was an opportunity to step outside my comfort zone. Being in a group where I barely knew anyone was part of it. It was a good sized gathering, mostly consisting of the host's family who were strangers to me.
Subjecting myself to the fireworks was the other. The startle reflex was on high alert and after about the fifth, full body jump that automatically reacted to the ground shaking bangs, I stuck my fingers in my ears. It helped. Although I could still feel the crackling thumps that echoed and echoed and echoed.
While rather tired today...exhausted really...a "hangover" from last night's demands on mind and body, I am glad I went. I am glad the Lord provided this opportunity to test my limits. He also gave me clear direction when it was time to leave. That meant NOW, before the building overwhelm caused a full blown panic attack. That's never fun.
I know no one there was aware of this inner battlefield, the struggle to be part of something outside my norm. No one was aware that while watching the show, fear tears were very close to erupting each time a bang went off. I was glad it was dark. I am glad for fingers.
Lord, I am rather sad that doing things like this costs so much physically and mentally. Perhaps there's some bitterness about having fun and innocent occasions be so incredibly hard to partake of. Show me where a loving blanket of grace and forgiveness needs to be spread.
Mostly, and this is where this morning's struggle is, Lord help me forgive myself (once again) for these "weaknesses."
Lord, let more opportunities like this come my way. Let me learn to be comfortable in new environments. In You, I am safe. Let me live according to that knowledge.
It's hard to learn I am not on my own anymore. It's my biggest challenge of all. In hindsight, I could've asked for someone to hold my hand during the fireworks. There's no shame in that. A burden shared is a burden lightened.
Forgive my pride, Lord.
Grant me peace and a willingness to ask for help whenever I venture outside of comfortable because, in You, I am amply supplied.
"And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus." JCB
It's a long weekend here in Canada, Victoria Day, where we celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday. It's really an excuse to have a holiday in May because the connection with long ago royalty has fallen by the wayside. Instead, it's fireworks time! Towns and cities across Canada used to put on amazing fireworks displays but they are very expensive. The fireworks' budget has been saved for Canada Day on July 1. The Queen's celebration has fallen to individuals who are brave enough to set fire to rockets and sparklers and bangers. Although, last night, I don't think Queen Victoria was mentioned. Times change don't they?
A couple from church sent out an invitation for anyone who wanted to come over for a bonfire and annual fireworks display. I am not a fan of these light shows. If memory serves, I never was. The loud noises makes me jump. Combined with crowds, it makes me even jumpier, on edge. This reaction was there long before the diagnosis of an anxiety disorder.
By Friday night, I still hadn't decided whether or not to go. But standing in the pharmacy waiting for my prescriptions to be filled at 10:30 PM following worship practice, it made me laughingly realize I could use a little fun on a holiday weekend!
Last night was an opportunity to step outside my comfort zone. Being in a group where I barely knew anyone was part of it. It was a good sized gathering, mostly consisting of the host's family who were strangers to me.
Subjecting myself to the fireworks was the other. The startle reflex was on high alert and after about the fifth, full body jump that automatically reacted to the ground shaking bangs, I stuck my fingers in my ears. It helped. Although I could still feel the crackling thumps that echoed and echoed and echoed.
While rather tired today...exhausted really...a "hangover" from last night's demands on mind and body, I am glad I went. I am glad the Lord provided this opportunity to test my limits. He also gave me clear direction when it was time to leave. That meant NOW, before the building overwhelm caused a full blown panic attack. That's never fun.
I know no one there was aware of this inner battlefield, the struggle to be part of something outside my norm. No one was aware that while watching the show, fear tears were very close to erupting each time a bang went off. I was glad it was dark. I am glad for fingers.
Lord, I am rather sad that doing things like this costs so much physically and mentally. Perhaps there's some bitterness about having fun and innocent occasions be so incredibly hard to partake of. Show me where a loving blanket of grace and forgiveness needs to be spread.
Mostly, and this is where this morning's struggle is, Lord help me forgive myself (once again) for these "weaknesses."
Lord, let more opportunities like this come my way. Let me learn to be comfortable in new environments. In You, I am safe. Let me live according to that knowledge.
It's hard to learn I am not on my own anymore. It's my biggest challenge of all. In hindsight, I could've asked for someone to hold my hand during the fireworks. There's no shame in that. A burden shared is a burden lightened.
Forgive my pride, Lord.
Grant me peace and a willingness to ask for help whenever I venture outside of comfortable because, in You, I am amply supplied.
Saturday, 19 May 2018
I Am Strong in the Lord. 1 Corinthinans 1:8
"who will also confirm you in the end, that you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ." NKJV
"He will keep you strong to the end so that you will be free from all blame on the day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns." JCB
This morning I am feeling led to continue outside the designated verses because the next part is so incredibly beautiful.
"God will do this, for he is faithful to do what he says, and has invited you into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." 1 Cor 1:9 JCB
In Mathew 7:21-23, Jesus points out to some people who had performed miracles in His name like prophesying and casting out demons that there will come a day He will say, "I never knew you."
He goes on to warn, it's only by abiding in the will of our Father that we don't fall prey to lawlessness.
I have to wonder if it's because the folks who did these things were abusing the name of the Lord for their own gain and recognition. They were not in partnership with Jesus.
I think that's the crux of this...stewardship, love, honour and respect... It's the joyous gift of having a heart bent to the will of God that is free of the chains of mindless and terrified servitude. It's having a heart willing to participate in a relationship with Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit.
Had God wanted to enslave people to His will, He could have done so very easily. That isn't who He is.
It boils down to choice.
It's when free will becomes even freer through the awesome delight and wonder that comes from laying that will down.
How can I become free in not being free?
It's because I don't have to set aside my human will and the stubborn streak that's so much a part of it. It's because I want to discern and follow the lead of One who knows far better what is best for my life. I want my stubborn streak to evolve into determination and fortitude, seasoned with grace and love. I want my will to come alongside the desires of my Lord.
I admit I'm not very good at it most days. Being human can be a struggle.
It doesn't matter because Jesus is more than sufficient. He honours the "wants" of my soul. Which means I get to experience an incredible, amazed and awe filled joy in recognizing moments when the Lord has enriched my relationship with Him. It comes when this broken, prideful, imperfect gal gets to be part of something that is whole, and humbling and perfect in every way.
Lord, thank You for Your gentle teachings, Your encouragement, and for graciously leading me into the better way. Thank You that there will be a day, the day I meet You face to face, when You can proclaim from Heaven's throne, "Yes! She is Mine!" AMEN!
"He will keep you strong to the end so that you will be free from all blame on the day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns." JCB
This morning I am feeling led to continue outside the designated verses because the next part is so incredibly beautiful.
"God will do this, for he is faithful to do what he says, and has invited you into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." 1 Cor 1:9 JCB
In Mathew 7:21-23, Jesus points out to some people who had performed miracles in His name like prophesying and casting out demons that there will come a day He will say, "I never knew you."
He goes on to warn, it's only by abiding in the will of our Father that we don't fall prey to lawlessness.
I have to wonder if it's because the folks who did these things were abusing the name of the Lord for their own gain and recognition. They were not in partnership with Jesus.
I think that's the crux of this...stewardship, love, honour and respect... It's the joyous gift of having a heart bent to the will of God that is free of the chains of mindless and terrified servitude. It's having a heart willing to participate in a relationship with Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit.
Had God wanted to enslave people to His will, He could have done so very easily. That isn't who He is.
It boils down to choice.
It's when free will becomes even freer through the awesome delight and wonder that comes from laying that will down.
How can I become free in not being free?
It's because I don't have to set aside my human will and the stubborn streak that's so much a part of it. It's because I want to discern and follow the lead of One who knows far better what is best for my life. I want my stubborn streak to evolve into determination and fortitude, seasoned with grace and love. I want my will to come alongside the desires of my Lord.
I admit I'm not very good at it most days. Being human can be a struggle.
It doesn't matter because Jesus is more than sufficient. He honours the "wants" of my soul. Which means I get to experience an incredible, amazed and awe filled joy in recognizing moments when the Lord has enriched my relationship with Him. It comes when this broken, prideful, imperfect gal gets to be part of something that is whole, and humbling and perfect in every way.
Lord, thank You for Your gentle teachings, Your encouragement, and for graciously leading me into the better way. Thank You that there will be a day, the day I meet You face to face, when You can proclaim from Heaven's throne, "Yes! She is Mine!" AMEN!
Friday, 18 May 2018
I Am Strengthened in Him. Ephesians 3:16
"That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man." NKJV
"I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit." JCB
It's hard to fathom something that is unlimited when human existence is nothing but limited. Time poses restrictions. Age. Knowledge. Understanding. Pretty much every single facet of our existence is hampered by real or imagined boundaries. Even our capacity to love is but a shadow of the unfathomable love of God.
Yet, we were created in His image...It's a whole package deal. Even though mortality has hampered our ability to fully embrace what that means, there is only one being with a vested interest in causing us to not live up to our full potential as followers of Jesus.
The trickster is very good at disguising his lies as truths.
To be strengthened...
A good and kind man at church had shared something personal about his wife's struggles with me a while back. She wasn't part of the conversation. It didn't sit right with me even though I can acknowledge it was his way of trying to understand her better.
I stepped outside my comfort zone a couple of Sunday's ago. The Lord strengthened me to say something to him when, once again, he began sharing some things about his wife. I told him I didn't feel comfortable hearing things about her personal life.
He was surprised and replied that his conversation was based on things she had admitted freely to others.
But, I wasn't present when she had shared.
It doesn't seem like a big deal but following this exchange I was amazed at how the Lord gave me kind words to gently guide this newly wed husband into honouring and respecting his wife's privacy and dignity.
It was a big deal to me to be able to set aside my ingrained subservience/fear of men so I did say something. (This is a work in progress, to overcome these obstacles. Thankfully, I have a very patient Teacher.)
As I left church, with a great deal of amazement and a smile on my face, I realized what a breakthrough this had been! I realized it was only through God's empowerment, His might, that I found the confidence to address this matter.
The devil wasn't happy.
Tough luck for him.
"I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit." JCB
It's hard to fathom something that is unlimited when human existence is nothing but limited. Time poses restrictions. Age. Knowledge. Understanding. Pretty much every single facet of our existence is hampered by real or imagined boundaries. Even our capacity to love is but a shadow of the unfathomable love of God.
Yet, we were created in His image...It's a whole package deal. Even though mortality has hampered our ability to fully embrace what that means, there is only one being with a vested interest in causing us to not live up to our full potential as followers of Jesus.
The trickster is very good at disguising his lies as truths.
To be strengthened...
A good and kind man at church had shared something personal about his wife's struggles with me a while back. She wasn't part of the conversation. It didn't sit right with me even though I can acknowledge it was his way of trying to understand her better.
I stepped outside my comfort zone a couple of Sunday's ago. The Lord strengthened me to say something to him when, once again, he began sharing some things about his wife. I told him I didn't feel comfortable hearing things about her personal life.
He was surprised and replied that his conversation was based on things she had admitted freely to others.
But, I wasn't present when she had shared.
It doesn't seem like a big deal but following this exchange I was amazed at how the Lord gave me kind words to gently guide this newly wed husband into honouring and respecting his wife's privacy and dignity.
It was a big deal to me to be able to set aside my ingrained subservience/fear of men so I did say something. (This is a work in progress, to overcome these obstacles. Thankfully, I have a very patient Teacher.)
As I left church, with a great deal of amazement and a smile on my face, I realized what a breakthrough this had been! I realized it was only through God's empowerment, His might, that I found the confidence to address this matter.
The devil wasn't happy.
Tough luck for him.
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Psalm 37:23
I have my steps established by the Lord.
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way." NKJV
"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives." JCB
It's a late entry today. There were some problems with my phone that needed taking care of. Hopefully things have been rectified so phone calls won't cut out any more. It was a bit frustrating.
It's a slow moving day today, too. Yesterday was very physically demanding. Nine 4' x 8' sheets of privacy lattice were attached to the chain link fence that divides my property from the neighbours. It is my hope that it will stop their dogs barking at me every time I am in the yard. It looks good, too! But, boy oh boy, am I feeling muscles I didn't even know existed and my hands look like a cat had a hissy fit on them because the wire used to attach the lattice wasn't kind! It's a bit late to thing about wearing work gloves. Whatever. I can't stand them anyways.
There was a lot of clean up that went along with this project as well. Stuff moved. Stuff burned. With the new patio furniture, it looks so much better back there. It was an investment that cost a whole lot less than replacing a good chain link with a privacy fence.
It's something I've been wanting to do for a long time but wasn't sure how long the lattice would last. There was a sheet left over from building the front deck that has hung on the wire fence for a couple of years with no sign of deterioration.
So, how does this apply to today's affirmation?
Well, there's gratitude for God's provision of the means and strength to do this project. There's gratitude for creating some privacy in the yard but I will still be able to have regular chats with the little guy next door. He's not quite four and has all sorts of questions. I truly enjoy our conversations! His, "Hi, Sue!" always makes me smile.
I think the biggest part of today's affirmation is learning to trust the Lord for all things and in all things. With a great big independent streak running through my spine, this can be the hard to do. It can be hard, too, to discern the path the Lord wants me to take. But then, no matter the road, the Lord will use it to His glory. Even if it is a roundabout way.
How wonderfully reassuring. So maybe I shouldn't have put up a fence and instead used the lack of privacy to demonstrate God's love but as the farmers say, good fences make good neighbours. Besides, they like the look of the lattice on their side, too.
There's a work training day tomorrow and early start on Thursday. I'll be back Friday.
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way." NKJV
"The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives." JCB
It's a late entry today. There were some problems with my phone that needed taking care of. Hopefully things have been rectified so phone calls won't cut out any more. It was a bit frustrating.
It's a slow moving day today, too. Yesterday was very physically demanding. Nine 4' x 8' sheets of privacy lattice were attached to the chain link fence that divides my property from the neighbours. It is my hope that it will stop their dogs barking at me every time I am in the yard. It looks good, too! But, boy oh boy, am I feeling muscles I didn't even know existed and my hands look like a cat had a hissy fit on them because the wire used to attach the lattice wasn't kind! It's a bit late to thing about wearing work gloves. Whatever. I can't stand them anyways.
There was a lot of clean up that went along with this project as well. Stuff moved. Stuff burned. With the new patio furniture, it looks so much better back there. It was an investment that cost a whole lot less than replacing a good chain link with a privacy fence.
It's something I've been wanting to do for a long time but wasn't sure how long the lattice would last. There was a sheet left over from building the front deck that has hung on the wire fence for a couple of years with no sign of deterioration.
So, how does this apply to today's affirmation?
Well, there's gratitude for God's provision of the means and strength to do this project. There's gratitude for creating some privacy in the yard but I will still be able to have regular chats with the little guy next door. He's not quite four and has all sorts of questions. I truly enjoy our conversations! His, "Hi, Sue!" always makes me smile.
I think the biggest part of today's affirmation is learning to trust the Lord for all things and in all things. With a great big independent streak running through my spine, this can be the hard to do. It can be hard, too, to discern the path the Lord wants me to take. But then, no matter the road, the Lord will use it to His glory. Even if it is a roundabout way.
How wonderfully reassuring. So maybe I shouldn't have put up a fence and instead used the lack of privacy to demonstrate God's love but as the farmers say, good fences make good neighbours. Besides, they like the look of the lattice on their side, too.
There's a work training day tomorrow and early start on Thursday. I'll be back Friday.
Monday, 14 May 2018
2 Corinthians 1:21
I am standing firm in Christ.
"Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God." NKJV
"It is God who establishes us, along with you, to stand firm for Christ." JCB
"and he has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything he has promised." v22 JCB
The moment the Holy Spirit enters into our hearts, it's like spring has entered our souls. What once was dead and barren erupts into light and life. Sweet blossoms erupt, creating a fresh hope of the fruit to come.
Oh, I admit there are dandelions in this garden. Although the sunny yellow blooms that pervade the lawn hold a delight for me that many a groundskeeper wouldn't appreciate.
I admit there's chores and responsibilities as part of caring for the garden of our soul. It must be carefully tended for it to thrive in a hostile environment. It needs living water. It needs fertilizing. It needs praying over.
There was an experiment done at a public school. Two identical plants were placed in clear boxes to protect them from any outside interference during the exercise. Two recordings played constantly. The students were encouraged to add their voices according to what was being said. One recording was nothing but bullying insults and negative comments. The other contained nothing but words of affirmation, love, and affection. Despite the identical meeting of the plants' physical needs, within a couple of weeks the bullied plant began to wilt. Its leaves began to brown. The other plant thrived, exploding in new growth.
I am blown away by this. If a plant can be so affected by what is said over it, how it is treated, how much more are we impacted by words? How much do we affect others by what we say? Even when our friends, coworkers, our family members, our pastors, the man behind the donut counter, the driver who sped past, don't hear us say negative words...or good words.
Plants don't have ears!
How much more are we than plants!
Lord, I am Yours, You are mine. You have blessed me with a Helper so that I can live according to Love's promise. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit, for His wisdom, patience and tender tutelage as I learn to live more like Jesus. Let my heart, mind and tongue be filled with only life giving, affirming words. Thank You for Your grace when I fail. In Jesus' name, Amen!
"Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God." NKJV
"It is God who establishes us, along with you, to stand firm for Christ." JCB
"and he has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything he has promised." v22 JCB
The moment the Holy Spirit enters into our hearts, it's like spring has entered our souls. What once was dead and barren erupts into light and life. Sweet blossoms erupt, creating a fresh hope of the fruit to come.
Oh, I admit there are dandelions in this garden. Although the sunny yellow blooms that pervade the lawn hold a delight for me that many a groundskeeper wouldn't appreciate.
I admit there's chores and responsibilities as part of caring for the garden of our soul. It must be carefully tended for it to thrive in a hostile environment. It needs living water. It needs fertilizing. It needs praying over.
There was an experiment done at a public school. Two identical plants were placed in clear boxes to protect them from any outside interference during the exercise. Two recordings played constantly. The students were encouraged to add their voices according to what was being said. One recording was nothing but bullying insults and negative comments. The other contained nothing but words of affirmation, love, and affection. Despite the identical meeting of the plants' physical needs, within a couple of weeks the bullied plant began to wilt. Its leaves began to brown. The other plant thrived, exploding in new growth.
I am blown away by this. If a plant can be so affected by what is said over it, how it is treated, how much more are we impacted by words? How much do we affect others by what we say? Even when our friends, coworkers, our family members, our pastors, the man behind the donut counter, the driver who sped past, don't hear us say negative words...or good words.
Plants don't have ears!
How much more are we than plants!
Lord, I am Yours, You are mine. You have blessed me with a Helper so that I can live according to Love's promise. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit, for His wisdom, patience and tender tutelage as I learn to live more like Jesus. Let my heart, mind and tongue be filled with only life giving, affirming words. Thank You for Your grace when I fail. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Sunday, 13 May 2018
Romans 5:2
I am standing in His grace.
(Our Lord Jesus Christ) through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." NKJV
"Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory." JCB
A morning of distractions: calls to my Mom to wish her Happy Mother's Day, texts with my daughter in Nova Scotia and messaging with a friend in China. I wonder if Disney would have realized the song, It's a Small World, was prophetic!
I am still musing over the idea of prejudice and racism. To limit either of these terrible attitudes to skin colour is to let them slip under the door into our hearts.
Following a talk about mental health at a local church, I made myself available in the foyer for anyone who would like to speak with me. I witnessed more than one person, head down, quickly walk the perimeter of the room as far as possible from my small table. It was a walk that visibly took them out of their way to access the door immediately to my right.
It left me feeling incredibly sad. I am still sad about the whole thing because these are my brothers and sisters in Christ.
The mother of prejudice is ignorance.
Lord, forgive me for allowing ignorance to colour my attitudes towards others, believers and non-believers alike. Forgive me for allowing ignorance to foster the growth of suspicion and distrust. Forgive me for being closed to new ideas, new understandings. Lord, I want to be so much better than I am.
Forgive me for making assumptions about what lay in another's heart based on external appearances even when it seems obvious. Perhaps my brothers and sisters had a bad experience with someone living with a mental health challenge...I don't know. Lord, I choose to forgive them for stirring up feelings of rejection and bitterness in me. Hmmm, and a prejudicial attitude of my own because I condemned them for not "living up to Jesus".
I also pray, Lord, that the discernment of what is truth will overcome my worldly attitudes and ideas. Teach me to live a gracious life. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN!
(Our Lord Jesus Christ) through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." NKJV
"Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory." JCB
A morning of distractions: calls to my Mom to wish her Happy Mother's Day, texts with my daughter in Nova Scotia and messaging with a friend in China. I wonder if Disney would have realized the song, It's a Small World, was prophetic!
I am still musing over the idea of prejudice and racism. To limit either of these terrible attitudes to skin colour is to let them slip under the door into our hearts.
Following a talk about mental health at a local church, I made myself available in the foyer for anyone who would like to speak with me. I witnessed more than one person, head down, quickly walk the perimeter of the room as far as possible from my small table. It was a walk that visibly took them out of their way to access the door immediately to my right.
It left me feeling incredibly sad. I am still sad about the whole thing because these are my brothers and sisters in Christ.
The mother of prejudice is ignorance.
Lord, forgive me for allowing ignorance to colour my attitudes towards others, believers and non-believers alike. Forgive me for allowing ignorance to foster the growth of suspicion and distrust. Forgive me for being closed to new ideas, new understandings. Lord, I want to be so much better than I am.
Forgive me for making assumptions about what lay in another's heart based on external appearances even when it seems obvious. Perhaps my brothers and sisters had a bad experience with someone living with a mental health challenge...I don't know. Lord, I choose to forgive them for stirring up feelings of rejection and bitterness in me. Hmmm, and a prejudicial attitude of my own because I condemned them for not "living up to Jesus".
I also pray, Lord, that the discernment of what is truth will overcome my worldly attitudes and ideas. Teach me to live a gracious life. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN!
Saturday, 12 May 2018
I am Stable. Isaiah 33:6
"Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times, and the strength of salvation; The fear of the Lord is His treasure." NKJV
"In that day he will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. The fear of the Lord will be your treasure." JCB
It's one of those days where there is absolutely no idea what to write regarding the day's affirmation...Except...I give honour and glory to the Anchor that holds me secure against the tides of time and trial.
Sometimes, words aren't able to express an inexpressible, soul lifting, heart floating, joy.
God is here. Always.
"In that day he will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of salvation, wisdom and knowledge. The fear of the Lord will be your treasure." JCB
It's one of those days where there is absolutely no idea what to write regarding the day's affirmation...Except...I give honour and glory to the Anchor that holds me secure against the tides of time and trial.
Sometimes, words aren't able to express an inexpressible, soul lifting, heart floating, joy.
God is here. Always.
Friday, 11 May 2018
I am a son of God. Romans 8:14
"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God." NKJV
"For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God." JCB
It's good the newer translation is able to make this affirmation more inclusive for people of both genders.
Inclusivity. That's what faith in Jesus Christ is supposed to include. Thanks to the teaching series at church, I've become more aware of my own leaning towards labels, assumptions and the habit of categorizing other people. It is human nature to do these things.
It happens so quickly that sometimes the idea, the prejudicial assumption, is in my head before even realizing it was something I was thinking about! Those arrows fly so fast they put Robin Hood to shame!
While reading a book, I also realized the characters I imagined were all Caucasian. Like me. Why is that? Is it because a white face is the one I am so familiar with seeing as it's one I look at every day? Is it because I live in a predominantly white area? Is it because I am still influenced by my dad's racist ideas? Did they somehow shape my child's brain into believing the myth of white superiority?
Can I forgive him for that? Can I forgive his father for teaching him these things? His father before him?
Hmmm, there I go, being gender specific in laying blame. Maybe it was a grandmother who taught my dad about the inferiority of others because of skin colour or the country they came from.
My grandmother on my mom's side refused to have her children born in the "colonies" instead opting for a dangerous boat trip back to England to have her children.
Thank You, Lord, that I realize these attitudes are founded in lies. Family, culture, upbringing, education, status, the country I live in, the society, the class have all played a part in becoming the bow that shoots the hurtful arrows.
So I am trying to retrain my brain to follow the inclusivity of God. I want the arrows stored in a quiver for all eternity.
It is only through embracing God's nature, His love specifically, that this will ever stop happening.
"For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God." JCB
It's good the newer translation is able to make this affirmation more inclusive for people of both genders.
Inclusivity. That's what faith in Jesus Christ is supposed to include. Thanks to the teaching series at church, I've become more aware of my own leaning towards labels, assumptions and the habit of categorizing other people. It is human nature to do these things.
It happens so quickly that sometimes the idea, the prejudicial assumption, is in my head before even realizing it was something I was thinking about! Those arrows fly so fast they put Robin Hood to shame!
While reading a book, I also realized the characters I imagined were all Caucasian. Like me. Why is that? Is it because a white face is the one I am so familiar with seeing as it's one I look at every day? Is it because I live in a predominantly white area? Is it because I am still influenced by my dad's racist ideas? Did they somehow shape my child's brain into believing the myth of white superiority?
Can I forgive him for that? Can I forgive his father for teaching him these things? His father before him?
Hmmm, there I go, being gender specific in laying blame. Maybe it was a grandmother who taught my dad about the inferiority of others because of skin colour or the country they came from.
My grandmother on my mom's side refused to have her children born in the "colonies" instead opting for a dangerous boat trip back to England to have her children.
Thank You, Lord, that I realize these attitudes are founded in lies. Family, culture, upbringing, education, status, the country I live in, the society, the class have all played a part in becoming the bow that shoots the hurtful arrows.
So I am trying to retrain my brain to follow the inclusivity of God. I want the arrows stored in a quiver for all eternity.
It is only through embracing God's nature, His love specifically, that this will ever stop happening.
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
I am His Soldier. 2 Timothy 2:3-4
"You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier." NKJV
"Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Soldiers don't get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them." JCB
I have a treasure. It rests in a place of honour on my dresser. It seems out of place in my sensible/feminine bedroom, yet, it belongs there.
It's a sword.
It's not a sword that ever hung at the side of an honorable soldier. It's not a sword that has ever seen battle except when my brother and I would sword fight using the scabbard as another weapon. The metal scabbard is dented because of it.
It's not a sword tempered and strengthened in fire. Liquid metal was poured into molds, not forged. It's edge is dull. The point is pointy. It's a wonder nobody lost an eye from it!
It's a showy, stainless steel sword meant for dancing.
I think it came into my possession after my father brought it back following one of his many trips to Ontario while we lived down east. I was probably eight or nine. He brought it back because I'd been taking Highland dance lessons for a while. After mastering the Highland Fling...side back, side front, turn two, three, four, is all I remember...we were taught the Sword dance where fancy footwork skipped over and around a crossed sword on the floor. I have no recollection of any of the steps.
I do remember with utter clarity one of my first recitals (the only one?) and how gut wrenchingly nervous I was.
Two flimsy yard sticks had been taped together to form the crossed swords. I kicked mine by mistake. It spun away then ended up on top of the next "sword" over. Mortified to make such a blatant error in footwork in front of all the attending parents and families, I kept on dancing as if nothing had happened. So did the girl next to me. (Hmmm, that seems to have been a philosophy that had a tremendously, terrible impact on my life. Something to think about.)
As much as I hated the dance lessons and was relieved when they came to an end, (give me a pony any day) the sword is one of the few childhood items that stayed in my possession despite multiple moves and a marriage breakdown.
Like my Bible, it was important for me to hang on to it although I never really understood why.
I know why now because the sword has become an emblem of my faith. There's even a painted eagle embossed on the hilt.
It reminds me that the Holy Spirit is an integral part of my life. It reminds me that I have overcome much through the help and grace of Jesus. It reminds me that the hold the enemy of my soul once had has been permanently and irrevocably severed.
It reminds me I am a soldier of peace.
"Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Soldiers don't get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them." JCB
I have a treasure. It rests in a place of honour on my dresser. It seems out of place in my sensible/feminine bedroom, yet, it belongs there.
It's a sword.
It's not a sword that ever hung at the side of an honorable soldier. It's not a sword that has ever seen battle except when my brother and I would sword fight using the scabbard as another weapon. The metal scabbard is dented because of it.
It's not a sword tempered and strengthened in fire. Liquid metal was poured into molds, not forged. It's edge is dull. The point is pointy. It's a wonder nobody lost an eye from it!
It's a showy, stainless steel sword meant for dancing.
I think it came into my possession after my father brought it back following one of his many trips to Ontario while we lived down east. I was probably eight or nine. He brought it back because I'd been taking Highland dance lessons for a while. After mastering the Highland Fling...side back, side front, turn two, three, four, is all I remember...we were taught the Sword dance where fancy footwork skipped over and around a crossed sword on the floor. I have no recollection of any of the steps.
I do remember with utter clarity one of my first recitals (the only one?) and how gut wrenchingly nervous I was.
Two flimsy yard sticks had been taped together to form the crossed swords. I kicked mine by mistake. It spun away then ended up on top of the next "sword" over. Mortified to make such a blatant error in footwork in front of all the attending parents and families, I kept on dancing as if nothing had happened. So did the girl next to me. (Hmmm, that seems to have been a philosophy that had a tremendously, terrible impact on my life. Something to think about.)
As much as I hated the dance lessons and was relieved when they came to an end, (give me a pony any day) the sword is one of the few childhood items that stayed in my possession despite multiple moves and a marriage breakdown.
Like my Bible, it was important for me to hang on to it although I never really understood why.
I know why now because the sword has become an emblem of my faith. There's even a painted eagle embossed on the hilt.
It reminds me that the Holy Spirit is an integral part of my life. It reminds me that I have overcome much through the help and grace of Jesus. It reminds me that the hold the enemy of my soul once had has been permanently and irrevocably severed.
It reminds me I am a soldier of peace.
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Romans 6:17-18
I am a slave to righteousness.
"But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness." NKJV
"Thank God! Once you were slaves of sin, but now you wholeheartedly obey this teaching we have given you. Now you are free from your slavery to sin, and you have become slaves of righteousness." JCB
I sit here feeling convicted by these beautiful words. I feel convicted because there are a number of areas where I have allowed myself to get lost. TV is the greatest time vampire. Far too many hours are disappearing from the day. It's a pacifier, a false soother, that helps me avoid the many decisions on my plate and the many chores that keep piling up. I am overwhelmed by them all. But doing nothing doesn't make that go away. It makes it worse. So the TV has been turned on sooner and left on later each night to disconnect my brain from common sense.
Oh, I can use the excuse that I've been struggling with some health issues, a bug that doesn't seem to be doing much of anything but leave me tired. Yet, being a couch potato means any sort of physical exercise is tiring because a body unused is a body weakened. Yup, TV is a vampire that sucks the life out of me.
Righteousness: being right with God.
I need to make a list, to set down everything that is waiting to be done. Perhaps there are some areas I could even ask for help in accomplishing. Wow. Is that out of character!
Maybe I need to pull the plug on the box, too. For a while anyways. Until the cycle is broken. Until the weight I gained back over the winter is lost. Until my fitness level improves. Until I get some of the big projects off my plate.
There are three tree stumps in my front yard. Two that are rotten and one that could be burned down to below the ground. The TV is like that. A habit left behind from an old life that was severed the moment I believed Jesus was Lord.
It's time to buy a new axe handle.
First things first.
Lord, forgive me for allowing worldly entertainments to keep me apart from You. In You, I can overcome this addiction. In You, I can accomplish many things...far more than I could ever do alone. Lord, there's loneliness here, too, that the box has served to soothe. Lead me into friendships whose foundation is You. These things I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
"But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness." NKJV
"Thank God! Once you were slaves of sin, but now you wholeheartedly obey this teaching we have given you. Now you are free from your slavery to sin, and you have become slaves of righteousness." JCB
I sit here feeling convicted by these beautiful words. I feel convicted because there are a number of areas where I have allowed myself to get lost. TV is the greatest time vampire. Far too many hours are disappearing from the day. It's a pacifier, a false soother, that helps me avoid the many decisions on my plate and the many chores that keep piling up. I am overwhelmed by them all. But doing nothing doesn't make that go away. It makes it worse. So the TV has been turned on sooner and left on later each night to disconnect my brain from common sense.
Oh, I can use the excuse that I've been struggling with some health issues, a bug that doesn't seem to be doing much of anything but leave me tired. Yet, being a couch potato means any sort of physical exercise is tiring because a body unused is a body weakened. Yup, TV is a vampire that sucks the life out of me.
Righteousness: being right with God.
I need to make a list, to set down everything that is waiting to be done. Perhaps there are some areas I could even ask for help in accomplishing. Wow. Is that out of character!
Maybe I need to pull the plug on the box, too. For a while anyways. Until the cycle is broken. Until the weight I gained back over the winter is lost. Until my fitness level improves. Until I get some of the big projects off my plate.
There are three tree stumps in my front yard. Two that are rotten and one that could be burned down to below the ground. The TV is like that. A habit left behind from an old life that was severed the moment I believed Jesus was Lord.
It's time to buy a new axe handle.
First things first.
Lord, forgive me for allowing worldly entertainments to keep me apart from You. In You, I can overcome this addiction. In You, I can accomplish many things...far more than I could ever do alone. Lord, there's loneliness here, too, that the box has served to soothe. Lead me into friendships whose foundation is You. These things I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
Monday, 7 May 2018
I am Shielded. Psalm 91:4
"He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler." NKJV
"He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection." JCB
Our church has been following a series from The Meetinghouse entitled, "Peacemakers". I believe it is going to become an annual teaching subject. The Peacemaker topic selected this year is racism. It provided the catalyst for what I am about to share, the poem read in church yesterday.
It was accompanied by four youth who held up signs, emphasising the points made. Wonderful atmosphere was provided by our pianist playing quietly in the background. Music, somehow, makes words special.
The writing ties into today's affirmation, too! Lord, I am in awe of how seemingly random events always come together to glorify You.
I did make one modification this morning because a prejudiced stereotype had found its way in through a slip of the pen. I hadn't picked up on it before. Boy are they sneaky!
I struggled coming up with a title but failed...A big grin...It would appear being "title-less" fits...
Bullied bullies share the pain of
outside with fists and words.
Because geek is chic: the new cool pool
that still leaves others outside.
Labels enable the enemy of our souls to
keep us apart.
Language, learning, faith, food upon the
Who is
that person, different from me, sitting across the way? Can I see past what I
It’s labels that enable the enemy of our souls to keep us apart.
Yet, we fall for it...I have fallen for
it...because it means there’s others just like us, like me; I believed the lie
that it is okay to reject others...just like them.
Hollow words silence the heart seeking,
belonging longing written into our DNA...But only for a time. Until another
label comes along to throw us into despair of ever being one of them.
The “in” crowd wants out. The “out”
crowd wants in.
We climb into a box, pretending. Oh,
Lord, I’ve done some foolish things...
Forgive us, Lord...forgive me,
Help us let go of labels, the poison arrows
we aim at ourselves and each other.
Because, Jesus,
Because, Jesus,
You came to put a new label on everyone’s custom made packaging.
“Contents: 1 child of God. Batteries
"He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection." JCB
Our church has been following a series from The Meetinghouse entitled, "Peacemakers". I believe it is going to become an annual teaching subject. The Peacemaker topic selected this year is racism. It provided the catalyst for what I am about to share, the poem read in church yesterday.
It was accompanied by four youth who held up signs, emphasising the points made. Wonderful atmosphere was provided by our pianist playing quietly in the background. Music, somehow, makes words special.
The writing ties into today's affirmation, too! Lord, I am in awe of how seemingly random events always come together to glorify You.
I did make one modification this morning because a prejudiced stereotype had found its way in through a slip of the pen. I hadn't picked up on it before. Boy are they sneaky!
I struggled coming up with a title but failed...A big grin...It would appear being "title-less" fits...
Too fat, too thin, too dark a skin,
Too slight, too bright, too dim,
The other...outside the norm.
It’s labels
that enable the enemy of our souls to keep us apart.
Their targets marked by different: too
tall, too small, too shy.
Too smart was once their fool and
mocked. Now it’s bullies, condemned.
Employment, enjoyment,
Parentage, heritage...age.
The visible used to classify, to pacify
identity, when there’s so much more unseen.
It’s labels that enable the enemy of our souls to keep us apart.
I’ve built boxes to hold others even
though they are waaay too small to contain life.
Let the Cross cross out prejudices,
those insidious, sneaky, thoughts and words, which enable the enemy of our
souls to keep us apart.
You came to bring us together, to fill
the gift Your Father gave of belonging longing with the Lightness of Being.
You came to bring us home where suspicion, derision, condemnation, and judgement
become the real outsiders who don’t
Written in Holy Blood,
Written with love, acceptance and grace,
Written with permanent, eternal,
unfading ink,
Saturday, 5 May 2018
I am Sheltered. Psalm 91:1
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." NKJV
"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty." JCB
This is my favorite Psalm. It has been for a while since, well, the beginning of my walk with Jesus. Through trials, sorrows and madness these words have comforted me and assured me. No matter where I was, He was there, too, keeping me safe beneath His wings. (v.4)
I think of the Jewish temple, the inner sanctum behind the veil. Only God and the priest truly knew what went on inside this secret place, the sole domain of the holiest priests. No one else was admitted.
But He gave us an advantage, a back stage pass, in the form of Jesus who admits all who believe into the secret place of His Father's presence. It is no longer the sole domain of priests.
Our temple is everywhere. There's no cleansing ritual. There's no formula. No hoops. The opportunity for intimate connection with our heavenly Father is all around us.
Should we choose to believe it. Should we choose to pursue it. (Please do!)
It's within the seen and the unseen realms of our heart. It's within the lyrics to a song. It's within prayer and contemplation. It's within rest and work...It's within. But it's also without.
Time nor wind can contain our connection. Neither can gravity or the fathomless depths of the universe. It's beyond all these and more.
Once again, language fails me. How can mere mortal words describe the indescribably beautiful paradox of God's shadow?
Maybe, if I simply say...it's big.
And I am left smiling about how a thousand, million words can be contained in three letters. It's a humbling moment for a writer.
Lord, forgive me for when I wander away and do things the world's way. Let me remember to acknowledge You when life is good. Let me learn, even more, what abiding, what living in and through Your presence means. Let my life reflect the price of admission Jesus paid on the cross. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN!
"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty." JCB
This is my favorite Psalm. It has been for a while since, well, the beginning of my walk with Jesus. Through trials, sorrows and madness these words have comforted me and assured me. No matter where I was, He was there, too, keeping me safe beneath His wings. (v.4)
I think of the Jewish temple, the inner sanctum behind the veil. Only God and the priest truly knew what went on inside this secret place, the sole domain of the holiest priests. No one else was admitted.
But He gave us an advantage, a back stage pass, in the form of Jesus who admits all who believe into the secret place of His Father's presence. It is no longer the sole domain of priests.
Our temple is everywhere. There's no cleansing ritual. There's no formula. No hoops. The opportunity for intimate connection with our heavenly Father is all around us.
Should we choose to believe it. Should we choose to pursue it. (Please do!)
It's within the seen and the unseen realms of our heart. It's within the lyrics to a song. It's within prayer and contemplation. It's within rest and work...It's within. But it's also without.
Time nor wind can contain our connection. Neither can gravity or the fathomless depths of the universe. It's beyond all these and more.
Once again, language fails me. How can mere mortal words describe the indescribably beautiful paradox of God's shadow?
Maybe, if I simply say...it's big.
And I am left smiling about how a thousand, million words can be contained in three letters. It's a humbling moment for a writer.
Lord, forgive me for when I wander away and do things the world's way. Let me remember to acknowledge You when life is good. Let me learn, even more, what abiding, what living in and through Your presence means. Let my life reflect the price of admission Jesus paid on the cross. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN!
Friday, 4 May 2018
I am His Sheep. Psalm 23:1
"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." NKJV
"The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I want." JCB
The phone rang at 7:40 this morning. A bit early for that sort of thing. By the time I found my phone and fought down the niggling worries these outside-the-norm calls create, the call had ended. They did leave a message. My appointment today with my psychiatrist was cancelled because he is not well.
So, here's the thing. I would have been late to work because of the appointment. The centre was covered by another staff so that would have been okay. The other staff messaged me last night they weren't able to come in. I didn't see that message until this morning.
Isn't God good?
Instead of a road trip, I get to do some writing.
Instead of having to find someone to cover work for the couple of hours needed, there's no need.
Instead of having a long day with lots of travelling, me and the car can rest easy.
Instead of being tired tonight, there will be plenty of energy to make a joyful noise at worship team rehearsal.
Isn't God good?
Stuff like this happens on a regular basis.
I quit believing in coincidences a long time ago because the Lord is my shepherd.
"The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I want." JCB
The phone rang at 7:40 this morning. A bit early for that sort of thing. By the time I found my phone and fought down the niggling worries these outside-the-norm calls create, the call had ended. They did leave a message. My appointment today with my psychiatrist was cancelled because he is not well.
So, here's the thing. I would have been late to work because of the appointment. The centre was covered by another staff so that would have been okay. The other staff messaged me last night they weren't able to come in. I didn't see that message until this morning.
Isn't God good?
Instead of a road trip, I get to do some writing.
Instead of having to find someone to cover work for the couple of hours needed, there's no need.
Instead of having a long day with lots of travelling, me and the car can rest easy.
Instead of being tired tonight, there will be plenty of energy to make a joyful noise at worship team rehearsal.
Isn't God good?
Stuff like this happens on a regular basis.
I quit believing in coincidences a long time ago because the Lord is my shepherd.
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
I am Sharing His Glory. John 17:22, 24
"And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they maybe one just as We are one...Father I desire that they also whom You gave me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world." NKJV
"I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one...Father, I want these whom you have given me to be with me where I am. Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began!" JCB
www.questions.org provides this definition of glory: The glory of God, which is manifested in all His attributes together, never passes away. It is eternal.
I just deleted everything that was written over the last forty minutes. It was a fruitless effort to define Someone so wondrously all encompassing with woefully inadequate human language. But that's okay.
It's okay to surrender to the mystery; to allow it to be just that: a mystery. It's okay to let my heart flood with joyful awe and amazement that a God as big as You fills a life so small with Your purpose, with belonging, with Your love.
It's okay that my connection with You is mostly through Your God, the Father, identity. It's okay if someone else finds a connection with You as Bridegroom, as Brother. For You are all these things. And more!
Let the understanding of "I AM" flood my soul, in Jesus name I pray. AMEN!
"I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one...Father, I want these whom you have given me to be with me where I am. Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began!" JCB
www.questions.org provides this definition of glory: The glory of God, which is manifested in all His attributes together, never passes away. It is eternal.
I just deleted everything that was written over the last forty minutes. It was a fruitless effort to define Someone so wondrously all encompassing with woefully inadequate human language. But that's okay.
It's okay to surrender to the mystery; to allow it to be just that: a mystery. It's okay to let my heart flood with joyful awe and amazement that a God as big as You fills a life so small with Your purpose, with belonging, with Your love.
It's okay that my connection with You is mostly through Your God, the Father, identity. It's okay if someone else finds a connection with You as Bridegroom, as Brother. For You are all these things. And more!
Let the understanding of "I AM" flood my soul, in Jesus name I pray. AMEN!
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
Romans 8:17
I am sharing Christ's inheritance.
"And if children (of God), then heirs--heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together." NKJV
"And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering." JCB
It's taken me a while to think about how I want to explore this affirmation. Being able to throw the kitchen window open to a lovely, sunny day has proven to be a bit of a delightful distraction. There's birds singing. The scent of new growth and moist earth fills the house. The hush of a gentle breeze through naked tree tops is music for the soul. It wafts into the heavens to herd linen white clouds across a blue, watercolour wash sky.
It makes it hard to want to explore suffering.
So maybe I want to think about Christ's glory, the love that overcame all obstacles to unite us with our Father in heaven; the love that overcame the grave to give us the gift of God's presence, the Holy Spirit.
Maybe it's a day to be thankful.
Maybe it's a day to simply be in the moment, this first day of May that has brought a reluctant Spring out of its hiding place with the flip of a calendar's page.
"And if children (of God), then heirs--heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together." NKJV
"And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering." JCB
It's taken me a while to think about how I want to explore this affirmation. Being able to throw the kitchen window open to a lovely, sunny day has proven to be a bit of a delightful distraction. There's birds singing. The scent of new growth and moist earth fills the house. The hush of a gentle breeze through naked tree tops is music for the soul. It wafts into the heavens to herd linen white clouds across a blue, watercolour wash sky.
It makes it hard to want to explore suffering.
So maybe I want to think about Christ's glory, the love that overcame all obstacles to unite us with our Father in heaven; the love that overcame the grave to give us the gift of God's presence, the Holy Spirit.
Maybe it's a day to be thankful.
Maybe it's a day to simply be in the moment, this first day of May that has brought a reluctant Spring out of its hiding place with the flip of a calendar's page.
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The Robes
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