Tuesday 3 September 2019

Lifted Up

  “Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.” Psalm 37:5

  It’s good to be back. The hiatus from blogging only drove home how crucial it is to my own state of mind. It guides my attitude into gratitude.
  I have moved to a neighbour’s for the duration of the reno a little earlier than I had planned even though there was still running water at home. The stove, fridge, food, dishes, etc. were in the living room. The kitchen table where I normally write is in the basement, dismantled and being rebuilt and painted.
  The chaos and disorganization, with everything crammed into my guest room, living room and bedroom was having a detrimental effect. Talk about anxiety! It was hard to focus. Runaway thoughts plagued my mind making it difficult to even consider sitting on the couch and writing.
  Despite all this, things are going well. The contractor got the chimney down, the roof patched, the laminate floors torn up, and the addition meticulously marked out for excavation. It was a successful first week. The only surprise (which wasn’t a surprise to me) was the floor under the bathroom needs some major shoring up. The floor joists had been cut and left unsupported where the chimney ran through the floor. Since I am putting a deeper bathtub in the space, it needs to be able to support the weight of the water.
  I am heading over there later to add some screws to the subfloor in the kitchen. There are a couple of squeaks that can be addressed before the new flooring goes in. May as well fix it now.
  Sunday saw me back at the emergency department after church because I was experiencing a great deal of discomfort…pain…on my left side, arm and neck. It was different enough from what it had been like a week and a half ago to make me deeply concerned. Again the heart checked out. The blood work was good.
  So here’s the interesting part in this…a couple of Advil takes care of the pain. I am hoping and praying that all this might have something to do with the muscles around my rib cage and not my heart. I will know for sure once I see the cardiologist on the tenth. He will be able to let me know for sure because I had an ultrasound done and wore the Holter monitor for a couple days last week. If there is a heart problem, that should show up.
  The high blood pressure is something else all together.
  Praise God, I also have a family doctor now. All this heart stuff bumped me to the top of the list. Within a day of calling to register for a new doctor, I got a call and was assigned to one right in town. (There is a severe shortage of doctors everywhere. I know some people have been waiting months.)
  I have to be thankful because not knowing what’s going on with the ole ticker and being smart about what I do means I’ve had to both ask for and allow others to help. I even asked a friend to go with me to the hospital on Sunday. It is getting easier each time.
  Smile. I have never been a “damsel in distress” kind of gal. It’s very difficult for me to sit back and let others do for me but to be honest? It’s been kind of nice! Ha, who am I kidding? It’s been wonderful to know my church community has my back and my heart.
  I have to say it again, it’s good to be back writing. Lord, I lift everything, all these concerns, all these worries, and all my doubts and fears to You. Thank You for this sanctuary and the little desk in the bedroom where I can type away. AMEN!

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