Wednesday 4 April 2018

Affirmation #235 Isaiah 49:4

  "Then I said, "I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing and in vain; Yet surely my just reward is with the Lord, and my work with my God."" NKJV
  "I replied, "But my work seems so useless! I have spent my strength for nothing and to no purpose. Yet I leave it all in the Lord's hand; I will trust God for my reward." JCB

  Since the dawn of time, rewards have become a facet of human existence. The best providers got their choice of partner. It's been a marker of bloodlines and status: heirs to the throne and all that. The Olympics rewarded physical prowess. The Coliseum and Greek army: living to fight another day. (Although that's a questionable reward for sure!)
  Greek society also saw the emergence of a middle class for the first time in human history. Businesses were rewarded through industry and excellence or shady practices (that's still happening). Schools honour the smart, the talented. I am baffled how some people become powerful politicians when it seems they are the worst person for the job. It must be a reward for being charismatic. :)
  If memory serves, there's an old recruitment poster for the American Marines or maybe it's the Army that has the tag line, "Be the best you can be!"

  The stark reality reveals depression and anxiety are increasing at a staggering rate in North America. The pursuit of big job, big money, big house, big car is the great seducer of the soul. It's an often unattainable idol that is accompanied by even bigger debt, the breaking apart of the family unit, and a disconnect from community. The reality is, most of us are living hand to mouth with not enough to pay the bills. The need for community food banks is growing at a shocking rate. The dream becomes a thorn in our sides.

  Labouring in vain as Isaiah calls it. I lived there for a long time, vainly labouring in an existence devoid of life.
  It must be hard for the Lord to watch us make such a mess of things in this good world He created. But then, He knew we would so He set down His plans to redeem us a long, long time ago.
  There is one of the most un-secret secrets of all time waiting within the pages of the Bible. Translated into hundreds of languages, it's a message for all people that starts with the wonderful invitation, "God blesses those who are poor (in spirit) and realize their need for Him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs." Mathew 5:3, the first of the Beatitudes.
  God is not always going to give us what we want but He will give us what we need. He will fill our lives with a thousand fold better things than anything we could desire. Humility, gratitude, provision, peace, grace, healing, joy, comfort, strength, rest, and companionship to name just a few of God's blessings....all the good things vain labours have worked so hard to steal from us.

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