Tuesday 27 September 2016

Restless Sleep by Susan L.

 Sleep has become a restless, dream punctured, exercise since getting back from holiday. Some are good dreams but there's been the occasional "Twilight Zone" experience that haunts my waking moments. In one of them, I backed my car over a pastor who was bent over a cooler looking for something. (What?!) Unfortunately, it was one of those crisp dreams full of details. I heard the thump and felt the bump but for some reason kept my foot on the gas. (Another, "what!?") How I knew he was a pastor, I don't know. I especially don't know why the victim of this accident was a pastor!
  Maybe the Lord is trying to tell me I have issues with authority? Noo-o, that's been dealt with. 
  Maybe I shouldn't eat cheese before bed. (A chuckle bubbled up at that insight.)
  I've dreamt a lot about Nova Scotia. Much of my time there was spent intensely focused on the landscapes. At times it felt like my head was going to explode. My artist's eye was in full swing absorbing colour, texture, shadow and shape so much of it is seared into my memory banks. The dreams must be a way of processing the varied beauty found in my travels.
  Maybe I should start hiking again. It's fallen by the wayside as the busy-ness of life has taken over. It might help me sleep better, too.
  I have hiked once since coming back and was blessed with a wonderful appreciation of the area and wildlife that dwell nearby. The variety of birds is astounding even if they are only glimpsed as a flicker of feathers in the trees.
  I've missed driving around exploring and keeping an eye open for things to draw. The trip helped me find my unique, artistic style: a combination of pen and ink sketches overlaid with watercolour washes. It's fun and the results were very pleasing.
  How can I incorporate this pleasure into my daily life?
  By taking the time to do it! (Another chuckle bubbled up at this insight. Duh!)
  Maybe that's what the dreams are about (except the run over pastor. What!?). Maybe they are because I am hungry for making art part of my life. I might even be ready to sort of muse over the possibility of selling my pieces at some future point. How's that for a vague goal? (Chuckle.) Baby steps are still steps.
  Lord, You are the author of my being. You designed me, made me who I am. Help me be bold and confident in the blessed gift of my identity. Help me live according to the calling You have called me to. Help me discern that calling. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen!
  "Let all those who seek You be glad in You; Let such as love Your salvation say continually, "The Lord be magnified!"" Ps 40:16

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