Friday 13 May 2016

Postponed by Susan L.

  I was glad that there were potential thunderstorms rolling through last night. It meant the second coat of stain will have to wait until the weather settles down. The boardwalk leading to the deck still needs to be scrubbed. It's necessary prep work so the stain will stick better to the older, more weathered wood. Not being able to do anything last night was okay because it gave this ole body a chance to rest and recover although I did tidy up the workspace and swept up the sawdust before the rain hit.
  Over the weekend I could always work on the landscaping (if the delivery of dirt arrives) unless it is too wet and mucky. Or maybe housework should take precedence. It's been rather neglected.
  I stopped at the hardware store on the way home last night to get the second gallon of stain needed for the second coat and a quart of paint to match the siding. It will be used to paint the gray hydro box to help it blend in a bit better.        
  Eventually there will be shrubs or something in front as well to hide it even more. So long as hydro workers can get to it, anything is game,
  It's funny how you get used to something being the way it is. In looking at the photo of the old goodness, it was unattractive! Having lived almost ten years with it the way it was had created a bit of a blind spot.
  Having the before picture also helps me remember just how much work was involved and even though I have grown rather impatient that it has take sooooo long, the truth is: it really hasn't.
  When all is said and done, I am pleased with the results. And humbled. It's amazing what can be accomplished by simply trying.
  But then, I also have to be grateful for the experiences which taught me so much. There's much good to be salvaged from the not so good times. It's like being able to use the deck's old foundation structure to make something new!
  Thank You, Lord for also giving me this connection to another Carpenter. The rebuilder of souls.
  "But as God has distributed to each one, as the Lord has called each one, so let him walk." 1Cor 7:17


  1. Impressive, very impressive. Well done. It didn't take long at all!


Boundary Study Part 2

   "Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy...