Sunday 21 February 2016

Labour by Susan L.

  Lately it's been a struggle coming up with ideas to write about. I've lost the eagerness that once had me looking forward to sitting down in the morning and spending time with my God and my the point that I've been thinking, "Why bother? Maybe it's time to pack it in."
  Hmmm. And a change of heart has exploded. I had forgotten the purpose of all this writing. It isn't about me and my desires or needs. It's about God's desire that I should do this. It's about feeling the fire He placed in my soul to write. It's about honouring the calling He has called me to.
  I've often said when encouraging others to explore their artistic abilities that "it isn't about the purpose of the art but that the art has a purpose". One of the biggest hurdles many budding artists have to overcome is the mindset that spending time with paper and pencil or brush and canvas is a waste of time. This isn't because of a lack of ability. It's a sad mark on our culture that we are unable to create beauty for beauty's sake. We are so driven by the mighty dollar that the idea is: everything should have a price tag, a monetary value, attached to it. What's the point if we can't sell what we produce?
  Maybe the purpose behind creating isn't monetary. Maybe it's personal like the opportunity to build confidence or to express what lay in our hearts. Maybe even it might be giving ourselves the chance to learn how to play again. Finger painting is one of the quickest ways to release our inner child!
  Still, it's a good thing to think about rewards. God's Word talks about them all the time only they aren't the kind of rewards we are conditioned to expect. Financial reward has no place in heaven.
  These daily entries come with a reward. Every morning I find myself reading God's Word to finish off the post. He is faithful in leading me to the right scripture. Every morning I am blessed when the Lord fills me with discernment about what to write. Every morning I can feel Him reading over my shoulder. I am not alone. Ever.
  I am blessed by my readers who share their own thoughts and experiences.
  You know something? These few words are more precious than silver or gold could ever be. Forgive me Lord, for my brief foray into despair.
  "So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labour. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, you are God's building." 1 Cor 7-9


  1. I for one have enjoyed your forays into blogging. You do have a gift for description. You are honest and open. You are often thought provoking. I enjoy your pick of Bible verses. I am amazed at how much you are able to do and how vast your talents are. Yet, all things have a season. Don't be afraid to move on if your feel God's purpose has been accomplished. You have been and blessing and you are blessed.

    1. Thank you very much! It does my heart good to hear such lovely words of affirmation. I am going to continue writing until God says otherwise, not me.


Boundary Study Part 2

   "Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy...