Sunday 29 June 2014

All of Creation by Susan L.

  There are microscopic creatures living in the bubbling, acidic waters of geysers and volcanic pools. There are complex animals at the bottom of the ocean near boiling, volcanic vents spewing out lethal chemicals. These creatures eat what would kill us. There are red worms that live in glaciers. I suppose Emperor penguins could be part of this group known as extremophiles. The male penguin holds a single egg on his feet, tucked safely under the warmth of his belly, for sixty-five dark and blisteringly cold Antarctic days.
  Plants communicate via chemicals. This isn't the sole domain of  the movie "Avatar". It really happens! When one is attacked, damaged or nibbled on, it changes its chemical structure to affect its flavour. Neighbouring plants of the same species respond, changing their own chemical signature. Is that why grazing animals only nibble at one area for a couple of bites then move on?
  Forests grow in mathematical precision. The seemingly chaotic explosion of growth is actually a fractal. They are incredibly common in nature. Simply put, it is where the base, like a tree trunk or vein within us, splits which in turn splits, and splits again. Researchers discovered that one large tree was the centre of its own fractal of trees: big, small, smaller, right down to the seedlings surrounding it.
  I read or heard somewhere that for us humans to have evolved from apes, it would have taken a genetic mutation a day for us to reach the variety of people who dwell on this planet in the short time we've been here. A day, not a generation. Big difference.
  My head is spinning as I contemplate the infinite variations within the human, animal and plant species who share this world with us. As I listened to the different birds singing this morning, I am left in stunned and indescribable awe of the greatest Creator of all.
  "When He established the clouds above, when He strengthened the fountains of the deep, when He assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters would not transgress His command, when He marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside Him as a master craftsman; and I was daily His delight." Prov 8:28-30


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