Wednesday 23 April 2014

In God I Trust by Susan L.

  We're born with it. Everything. All of the world. Baby animals do what is called imprinting on their mothers. They trust that they will be there for them, taking care of them, helping them survive. They know their mother's and sometimes father's smell, the way they breathe, the way they sound. Baby birds open their beaks and trust that a fat, juicy insect is going to be delivered. The parents land at the nest trusting their babies will be there, that they've done a good job in keeping them safe and hidden.
  When there were foals born on the farm, I would spend a lot of time handling them within hours of their birth. Next to their mother, I wanted to be the most important figure in their lives. I'd pick up their feet, patiently asking them to submit to something that no horse would naturally allow. Their feet are their lives because they are a fight/flight animal. I wanted the foals to get used to me because when they grew up and were so much bigger, a foundation of trust had been established. I did the same with newborn puppies and kittens. If they aren't handled at an early age, they have a hard time connecting with people.
  I have referred to myself as a wild animal when I first invited the Lord into my life. I know it sounds harsh. I was civilized, but there wasn't an ounce of trusting ability left in my heart. I didn't come to Him through love or touchy feely gushy emotions. I took a gamble, choosing between a rock and a hard place. I chose the Rock and haven't looked back since. The Lord picked up my running feet and washed them. I wouldn't have to run any more, ever again.
   They say elephants never forget. I believe our souls have memory. We "remember" what it means to be one with the Lord as we wait for Him to breathe our souls into a physical body. He gives us the opportunity as people to choose to return to Him willingly.
  That's when all hell breaks loose. Betrayal, injury, insult, abuse, neglect...sin...entwines itself in our lives all for one purpose: to stop us from trusting each other and ultimately God. Bad fathers make it hard to imagine a heavenly Father, bad marriages make it hard to connect to the Bridegroom.
  Here's the good part. The Lord is all things to all people. Some connect to the Infant Jesus, others to the Son. Some know Christ, others know the Father as Abba. We also connect to the Lord through His Spirit and His Word. He is the God of Mercy with a thousand shining facets of Identity.
  When trust is broken, it takes time to grow it back. It takes practice and nurturing. I prayed for discernment to help me know who and how to trust and with what. I've had to learn to trust myself. I've gotten it wrong a few times. But that's okay, that's where Grace comes in.
  "Then Moses said to God, "Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, "The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they say to me, 'What is His name?' what shall I say to them?" And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you." Ex 3:13-14


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