Wednesday 4 September 2013

Where We're At by Susan L.

Hellfire and damnation. Loud sermons from the pulpit that leave me squirming with guilt and shame and feelings of inadequacy. Although according to the success of some churches who preach this way, who am I to question God's work? It might be for you, it simply isn't for me. That's okay. We each need to find our way of faith. I desperately needed love. I needed to learn what love is. Not our earthly comes-with-a-price kind of love but true love as God intends it to be: unassuming and constant. He has taken it slow, laying a foundation of trust. Treasures like my four leafed clovers have been left along my path. Love tokens to woo a broken and suspicious woman. He has taught me through His unquestionable forgiveness and has filled my heart to bursting with indescribable gratitude: the seeds of love that bloom and grow when nurtured. I learned to say, "I'm sorry", gently convicted of my erroneous ways. I learned to say "thank You". Even if it was a sacrifice to utter those words. The language of love. I am still learning. "But I have trusted in Your mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me." Ps 13:5

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Boundary Study Part 2

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