Thursday 30 May 2013

T.I.R. by Susan L.

My therapist has several options in her arsenal of healing tools. She was trained to facilitate Traumatic Incident Reduction Therapy. This involves sitting in a highly charged memory and talking about it. No. It's more than that. She provides a safe place without judgement or condemnation. She sits with me, guiding me, as I allow myself to relive the event so I can explore everything: my emotions, my perceptions, and my beliefs surrounding the trauma. She also helps me stay in that place of pain. I couldn't do it alone. Both of us have learned there is a reason for the memory to have surfaced. In the world, this type of therapy is used to desensitize or diffuse the emotional charge associated with traumatic events. We are blessed, as followers of Christ to be able to take it one step further. We ask the Lord to reveal Himself. He does. Every single time. He also reveals the lies or contorted core beliefs forged within the event. It is far from an easy thing to do but has been a tremendous tool in overcoming PTSD. Finding God in these memories has redeemed some of the most difficult and heart wrenching events in my life into places of comfort. There is still pain. Yes, they still stir up grief and sorrow but that's okay. I now know I wasn't alone. "Mercy and truth have met together;righteousness and peace have kissed. Truth shall spring out of the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven." PS 85:10

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Boundary Study Part 2

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