Wednesday 7 November 2012

Change of Heart by Susan L.

Tonight is the monthly PREFER meeting (Peer Recovery Education for Employment and Resiliency: It's in Richmond Hill, thankfully conciderably closer than north Toronto. I live just outside of town in a rural community. Going to these meetings and trainings in the city has opened my eyes to many things on both fronts. Affordable housing in both areas is sorely lacking so poverty is a shared issue and becoming more prevalent. Therefore the issue of homelessness arises. While far more common in the city, my town has its share. The city is blessed with public transportation whereas we have none. The nearest bus stop is half an hour away by car if we want to go somewhere out of town. Taxis are offer the only in-town transportation. Thankfully, they help out with discounted rates for those with proof of need. The Krasman Centres in both town and city have funding until the end of December to bring people in who need to be in an environment of support and recovery. I pray that there will be more available in the new year because winter is so very long. To be a forced shut-in due to lack of financial resources could have devastating effects on those in need. I used to believe that people living with addictions or mental health problems were simply taking the lazy road. I realize now the two go hand in hand and are a huge barrier to overcome. Poverty does not help. It is a viscious cycle to break. I salute those who have come forward and done the impossible by admitting you need help and have gambled on the possibility you ARE worth helping. Those who have yet to reach this point, please believe you ARE worthy, too. Each and every one of you. "Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me." Phil 3:12

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Boundary Study Part 2

   "Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God--truly righteous and holy...